Page 35 of Derek

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She moves on to telling me about Dominic, how they started up the business together. She starts laughing when she tells me about how they first met. “So I’m standing at the bar with my girls, and he comes sauntering over and says, no joke,he says ‘mine’ as he grabs my hand and drags me onto the dance floor. At first I told him to shove it. Mine-- who says that shit?” she says laughing. “Then he says, ‘honey, shut up.’ Since then, we’ve been inseparable.”

Hours later, she finishes up the last of the touches on my new tattoo and starts to clean up. I stand up when she’s finished and look in the mirror.

“Holy… shit.”

“Looks great, huh?”

“Hell yes.” I say, admiring the ark work that now armors my skin.

“You are the best.”

She laughs. “Yeah, I get told that all the time.”

I pay up front at the desk, leaving her a nice tip. “Don’t bea stranger!” she yells to me as I walk out.

The last bit of evil Caleb placed on me is gone. Finally gone!

I’m free.



I look at my phone and realize Rylie hung up. I cut my eyes to Melody and Erika. “What appointment?”

Erika shakes her head to say no clue.

Melody shrugs. “Pfft, I don’t know. She didn’t even call me. Here I thought she was supposed to be my Aussie bestie and tell me shit, but let’s not talk about her. Let’s talk about how you are moving your shit into her house, and hoping she doesn’t realize you are doing it.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I lie.

“Bullshit, cocksucker! Rylie told me you’ve slept at her house every night since you fucked her. Suddenly, she finds herself in a relationship, and the dude moves in with her.” I knew Rylie noticed my shit, so I grin at Melody. “Or, how about the time we all went out to the movies, and some guy started talking to her, and you were practically humping her.” I burst out laughing.

“Yeah, the guy thought he could get in her pants,so I was making it clear she was mine. And no, I wasn’t humping her!” I say through my laughter. As the laughter fades away, things start to turn serious. “It’s been years Mel, since Caleb. She’s known me almost a year now. I was sick of waiting for her to see it.” I tell it to her straight.

“No, I agree. She’s been moving on, on her own for a while,but it’s nice to see her with a good man.” Mel says. I’ve never seen her be so serious before. She’s all about saying bitch and cocksucker all of the damn time when she’s talking. “Now, enough serious shit,” she throws her hands up in exasperations and walks back to the front of the shop

I shake my head at her. I’ve never been to Canada, but I often wonder if they have a ghetto there, ‘cause this shit is nuts. Hell, Nikki was crazy nuts too. Are all Canadians crazy?

Chapter 22


I went to the salon after my appointment and showed the girls my new art work. Melody thought it was epic while Erika just smiled.

“Going for lunch.” I call out.

“Bitch, you just got here, and you’re already heading out for lunch?” Mel calls back.

“Shut up! You know I don’t have clients today until three, so bite me.” I hear Mel laughing as I walk out.

I walk straight to Derek’s office. Mel said I had just missed him when I walked into the salon, but it doesn’t matter now because I cannot wait to show him my new art. As soon as I walk through the door, I see Cecily. “Can I help you?”

I shake my head and walk pasther. I am in too good of a mood to put up with her shit today. When I get near Derek’s office, I see that his door is open. He is sitting at his desk talking on the phone and when I walk in the door, he jerks his head toward mine. A smile comes across his face as he mouths the words, “One minute, babe.”

Screwthat, I have been waiting years to be proud of my body. I am not waiting another damn minute. I shut the door and lock it, then quickly whip my shirt over my head and walk toward him. His mouth drops open, and his phone slides down to his lap before he scrambles to hang it up. His eyes are staring right at my new tattoo as his mouth opens in a comical gape.

“Do you like it?” I say with a sexy smile and walk around the desk.Derek snaps his mouth shut as a dark look comes over his face.
