Page 37 of Derek

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“Well, I’m out. I gotta get home to your mother. Don’t forget, tomorrow for lunch. Your mother wants you two there.” Dad says, walking to my office door.

Before he’sfully out of the door, he turns and pokes his head back into the office. “Next time, make sure no one else is in the room before you decide it’s a good time for office nookie.”

Rylie bursts out laughing, and I can’t help but join in.



Cecily knocks on my door a few minutes after nine. As soon as I open the door, I wonder why in the hell I am chasing Rylie’s bitch ass, when I could be sinking in to this slut. If I play my cards right, maybe I can get a piece of both of them. I lead Cecily into the living room, and we sit down. “How do you want play this?”

She shrugs. “I’m not really sure. Do you have any ideas?”

Fuck yeah, I do. “I want you to make it look like you and Derek are having an affair.”

“I don’t think that will work. Rylie trusts him completely. Unless, she sees it with her own eyes, she will never believe it.” She says, while shaking her head.

“Then, we will just have to make sure she sees it.” I say with a smile.

We spend the next hour planning out the end of Rylie and Derek’s relationship. With this cunts help, I might finally be able to get my hands on the lovely Rylie after all. It’s not that I want her that way, I just want to finish the job Caleb started. That bitch got my cousin locked up, and then he got killed in that place. By the time Cecily leaves, I am so excited that I have to make a trip to the bathroom. Just the thought of Rylie being broken again has me hard as a rock. I stand in front of the mirror watching my hand slide up and down my cock. God, it’s going to feel good to make that bitch pay.

It’s only a matter of time before I have that bitch where I want her. Revenge will be sweet.

Chapter 23


I love watching Rylie and mum together. Mum always wanted a daughter, and now that she has Rylie, it seems that shefinally got her wish. Every time we come over here, Mum always fawns all over her. It would drive my ass crazy, but Rylie loves all the attention. Shit! The truth is Rylie just loves Mum.

She and Dad are even getting pretty tight. I was a little worried that afterwhat happened with their first meeting, Rylie would shy away from him or he would be nervous around her, but it’s like the whole damn thing never even happened. He even told her to call him Dad earlier today, and she’s doing it. I swear I heard her voice crack the first time she said it, but now, she just smiles any time the word passes her lips.

Dad and I are sitting on the patio drinking beers. He keeps looking over to me, and I can tell he wants to say something. I wait a few minutes for him to spit it out, but he doesn’t. “What’s up Dad?”

He chuckles. “Guess, I don’t have much of a poker face.”

“No you don’t. At least, not when you keep staring at me.” I say with a smile.

All of a sudden, he gets serious. “You should marry that girl.”

I am shocked as shit at the quick turn of the conversation. Mum says shit like this all the time, but Dad has never even alluded to marriage before. “Why do you say that?”

He shakes his head. “I have never seen you look at anyonethe way that you look at her. I know you love her, and I think it’s time that you told her. If anyone needs stability, it’s that girl.”

We both sit quietly for a few minutes. A part of me is really freaking out, but a larger part is thinking that my father is smart as hell!

I look at my watch and realize how late it is. I have to get some work sent off tonight, and if we don’t get out of here, I’ll never get it done. I look over to Rylie and my mum walking through the garden. “Babe, we’ve got to get out of here.” I see Mum and Rylie say a few words to each other then head back to the patio.

Mum looks to Dad. “Darling, I want to go over to Rylie’s for a little while. I’ve heard that herClematisflowers are almost twice the size of ours, and she planted them herself. I am going to take some pictures of them, and show them to our gardener. “

Mum has always been obsessed with her garden, so Dad knows better than to complain. He just smiles and nods his head. Ten minutes later, we are all heading to Rylie’s.



Derek and I pull up to my house, with his parents following behind us. Elizabeth said she wanted to see my yard because she had heard it was exquisite. When Derek puts the car in park, we notice a couple standing awkwardly at my front door. The woman has a cigarette hanging out of her mouth and simply put, looks trashy. The man doesn’t look much better.

I get out of the car and go towards themwith Derek at my back, while Elizabeth and William trail behind us. “Can I help you?”
