Page 38 of Derek

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The woman looks me over and sneers. “What thehell happened to you? And is that any way to greet your Mumma?”

I freeze on the spot. If she’s claiming to be my mother that means the man next to her… is my father. I feel my lunch coming back up and move to the side by the bushes to let it go. Derek is immediately next to me, rubbing my back. Elizabeth and William move to stand directly behind us and as Elizabeth hands me a monogrammed handkerchief to wipe my mouth, William places his hand on my shoulder. “Derek, make them leave.” I plead.

He looks at me for a moment, registers the look on my face, and nods. “You both need to leave.”

“Who are you? Mr. Uppity?” Mum sneers at him. “And who the fuck are you?” she says pointing to Derek’s parents.This whole time, Dad has remained quiet.

“I’m her man, those are my parents, and I’m telling you again. You need to leave--Now.” Both of them are unmoving.

“We’re here to talk to that little bitch and we’re not leaving until we do.”

That’s it. I finally am feeling somewhat ok, and move up to stand up beside Derek. “What more could you want? Wasn’t it enough to beat me senseless mother?” I spit out. I turn to my father. “What about you? What could you possibly want? You ruined my childhood. You held me down and raped me!” Derek stills beside me, and anger radiates off of him tenfold. “I was ten years old!” I shriek. William’s hand tightens on my shoulder and I hear Elizabeth let out a strangled sob.

“Let’s not do this business here. Inside.” William says firmly.

We head inside and I sit on thecouch, sandwiched between William and Derek. Elizabeth stands behind the couch and places her hands on my trembling shoulders.

My father finally speaks up. “Not even going to greet yourPops, Ry?”

“Are you kidding me? After everythingboth of you did to me? Why would I ever greet you?” They both look haggard; too much cocaine and heroin. “Why are you even here?”

“It took a lot of years to find you. First, we heard about what had happened on the news with that boyfriend of yours. Shame he didn’t finish the job he was trying to do. You’re still here.” Mum says sneering at me.

I don’t get the chance to speak. Elizabeth steps in. “How dare you speak to her like that. Rylie is an amazing person.I don’t know where she got it from, because she sure as hell didn’t get it from you two.”

“That little bitch is nothing! Don’t let her fool you.”

“Enough! Tell me whythe fuck you are here, then get the fuck out of my house!” I yell.

“We’re here because my mum passed away, and for some stupid reason she left you everything. So, we’re here to have you sign these papers to give it all to us. I won’t let you take what should be mine.” Mum says, tossinga folder full of papers at me.

William takes them from me and looks them over. “Do you know who I am?” he asks my parents. “I’m William Tremaine.” My parents go pale. They must know who he is. “You won’t be getting a dime.” He saysas he rips up the papers and throws them back at my parents. “You even try to mess with Rylie, you’ll have me breathing down your necks, and you won’t like what I’m capable of.”

“We don’t want no trouble. We’ll be happy to never see that little whore again. We just want that money.” Dad says.

“No. You want the money to keep your drug habit up. I won’t give it to you.” I say.

“Listen here you little--“Mum starts.

“No, you listen. My whole life you beat the shit out of me, and turned a blind eye when Daddy would sneak into my room at night. I don’t owe you shit and I’m not giving it to you. If you don’t leave my house right now, I’ll have you arrested, and I bet you anything you both have drugs on you.”

Chapter 24


When I hear the words leave Rylie’s mouth, I flip and jump right on her bastard of a father. I take him down then I send my fist into his nose. I hear his nose break, but I don’t stop. My fists just keep smashing into his face. I have no idea how many times I punched the fucker, before my Dad pulls me off him. I still wasn’t done, so I kick him in the ribs a few more times before Dad can get me away.

“How could you do something like that? She is your own daughter!” I yell.

Rylie’s father’s face is covered in blood as he pulls himself off the ground. I am surprised when he smiles at me then looks towards Rylie. “If you don’t give us the money now, we will have your little boyfriend put in jail.”

I look at Rylie, just as she starts to open her mouth. There is no doubt in my mind that she is going to give them whatever they want, just to save my ass, but she is cut off by my Dad. “Like I said before. You are not getting a penny. Derek and Rylie have been with me and my wife all afternoon. We have a house full of servants that will verify that there is no way he could have attacked you.”

“There are people everywhereand someone will have had to have heard something.” Rylie’s mums starts to shout. “There is no way you can lie about him not doing this.”

An evil smile crosses my Dad’s face. “You see, you ignorant bitch, I have more money than you can even imagine. By this time tomorrow, every mortgage in this entire neighborhood will be paid in full, then all of these people you see will be struck with a case of temporary amnesia.”

I stop listening and walk over to Rylie. Dad can straighten this shit out. I need to take care of my woman right now. As soon as we walk through thehallway, she jerks away and runs to the kitchen. I figure that she is going to have a total meltdown, so I chase after her.
