Page 5 of Derek

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“Fuck you. I never want to see you again” I shout, as the blonde stumbles over her jeans and falls to the ground. I don’t even bother to ask her if she needs any help before I turn to leave and pack a few of my things. I barely take the first step to get around Caleb, before the atmosphere in the room changes. I look back him at the same time his open palm slaps me across my right cheek. Pain radiates through my face, and I feel like I’m going to be sick as I crumple to the ground in a daze. My mind refuses to process the fact that Caleb has just hit me.

“You aren’t leaving me.” He says, bending down and digging his fingers into my arm. Who is this man? What has happened to my Caleb?

“You are mine. I own you.” He sneers as he jerks my arm again, forcing me to stand up.

An overwhelming fit of rage takes my body over, and I know that I have to get out of here, and out of here fast!

“Let go of me Caleb. You cheated on me! You put…you put your hands on me, you piece of shit! Why the hell would I stay with you?” I roar, as I start to beat on his chest as hard as I can.

He doesn’t answer; instead, he punches me square in the face. I instantly feel my lip split open, and see a gush of blood trickle out of my mouth and on to the ground. All I can see are stars, as I roll my head to the side and my eyes land on trembling figure at the base of my bed. Why won’t she help me?

. “See what you made me do? You leave me, and you’ll get more of that, but worse.” He yells into my face.

I wake up screaming. Fuck. Fucking, Caleb. Even locked up, he is still in my dreams. I can’tget the sound of his angry voice out of my head as I lie in bed and try to calm myself down in order to fall back asleep.. After a few hours pass, I only manage to toss and turn while working myself up into an even bigger bundle of nerves. This is just what I needed, another sleepless night.

Rolling over toward my bedside table, I grab the remote and turn on the television in hopes of having the white noise lull me to sleep. I finally fall asleep somewhere around four in the morning, only to have my alarm clock buzz at six to let me know that it’s time for me to get up and start my day. I don’t want to move, but begrudgingly I do. As I lazily stretch beside my bed while turning my television off, I hear a thump. Hesitantly, I peek my head around my bedroom door, and peer out into the hallway. No one is there.

“Pull yourself together Ry.” I murmur to myself as I dart up the stairs to get ready for my shower.

Fifteen minutes later, I’m back in my bedroom and slipping on my black dress pants with a hot red blouse, along with a pair of studded red flats. I pull my hair up in a high pony tail on top of my head, so it wouldn’t get in my way throughout the day. As I walk down stairs, I see Gayle sitting in the den. She is never here when I leave. She is usually gone bright and early.

“Hey, is everything okay?” I ask as I walk over to her, concern showing on my face.

“Everything is just fine, honey. Sit fora minute. I want to talk to you.” She motions to a seat on the couch across from her.

I sit down, not knowing where this is heading, as my stomach begins to fill with butterflies.

“I just wanted to see how you are doing. I heard you scream last night, but didn’t want to barge in. Last time I did that, you were still sleeping and gave me a shiner.” Gayle tentatively reaches across the table and touches both of my hands.

“I’m fine. Just another stupid dream about Caleb…it was about the first time he had hit me,” I tell her, knowing that it sounds like I’m tryingto be convincing, but if I’m doing that, who am I trying to convince, her or myself?

“I just want to make sure. I hope these dreams stop soon. Lately you have been going out more with your co-workers, and beginning to lay the ground work of your new life, but I just wanted to double check and make sure that you are okay.” Gayle smiles at me.

I didn’t know what else to say. I know Gayle has been acting like a mother to me since what happened, but I didn’t know she was that concerned about me.

I try to say something else to reassure her, but my mouth just keeps opening and closing like a hungry gold fish. Gayle must not notice it though, because she pats my hands and pullshers back while standing up and grabbing her purse to head to work.



God this feels amazing. I plough into the brunette on the bed, going harder and faster as I’m nearing my release. I can hear her breathing start to quicken, and I know she’s close too. I don’t really give a shit if she gets off or not, but I figure it’s the least I owe her, so I hang on until I feel her pussy clench. Then, I let go.

After I finish working out my release, I quickly pull out and jump up to make my way to the bathroom and toss the condom in to the trash. On my way back out, I grab my clothes, start to get dressed, and then thank her for the lay, as I walk out of the bedroom and toward the front door. Before the door shuts, I’m hit in the back of the head with her shoe. I don’t know what these bitches expect. It isn’t like I promise them anything. Most of the time, I don’t even tell them my name. I sure as hell don’t ask them for theirs.

Another night, another shoe. Not surprising. This shit is getting old. All of these women don’t mean shit to me. They are shit. I look at them like I look at numbers. That’s all they are to me. There’s no one who can get to me, or can keep my interests up. I spend a few hours with these random bitches, but not one of them is worth my time. Is this how my life is going to be?

I finally makeit home and take a hot shower, letting, the water run over my body. All of these one night stands are starting to get tiring. I’m still young, but I’ve been screwing around since I was fifteen. I’ve watched both Chase and Kade getting all settled down with their women, even though both of them were bigger players than I ever have been. I keep thinking about how happy they are, and I know that I want that too. I want to be able to look into the eyes of my wife and know that I made the right decision; to come home every night to my woman, maybe even have children. I want it all.

The only problem I have is finding the right woman. Maybe I should stop looking for her at the bars. At least, that’s what Mum tells me, but where the hell do I find someone then? It isn’t like I go to church or hang out at the stupid country club, and if Mum introduces me to one more uptight bitch I’ll die.


“Are you really asking me how to get a girl?” Nikki says through a laugh.

I shake my head in frustration. I should have known to keep my damn mouth shut. “Just forget it.” I say, and start to walk to the door.

Nikki grabs my arm. “I’m sorry. I thought you were just messing with me, but you’re not, are you?”
