Page 59 of Derek

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A year after Jase and I started dating, he gave me his Grandpa's dog tags. He’s been wearing them since he was just a kid. When he gave them to me, he said they use to be his most prized possession, but now I am. He said when people saw them around my neck, that everyone would know that I was his. I’ve wore them every day since.

We moved in together my senior year. My uncle and aunt flipped out when I said I wanted to move in with Jase. They knew him, and his dad was Uncle Mack's best friend. But, they’d been really protective of me since my brother Brandon and I moved in with them.

After lots of long talks and lots of pleading from me and Jase, Uncle Mack and Aunt Angie relented and allowed me to move in with Jase. But not before they gave him the ‘talk’. I wasn't allowed in the room, so I'm not sure what was said, but Jase was as white as a sheet when they were done. A week later, they helped me pack up my things and moved me intoJase’s place. We've been living our own ‘happily ever after’ ever since.

Jase works at his pop’s garage. He comes home smelling like gas and covered in grease, but it’s good money. His brothers work there too, and I think he enjoys being with them every day. It seems like he works all the time, but he's doing what he loves. That is all that matters to me.

After I finish cleaning up the kitchen, I head to our bedroom and put on my knee length blue dress. I look at myself in the mirror and like what I see. The dress hugs all the right curves, but doesn't show any of my extra bits. Bec's been telling me I need to lose a little weight, so I've been trying to diet. I've lost a few pounds, but I don't think Jase has noticed.

Bec'sbeen telling me a lot of things lately, all bad. Like I'm getting fat, my hair is stringy, I'm too clingy with Jase; the list goes on. I am not sure why she is keeps acting this way, but I know that I am getting tired of it.

I fluff up my long dark-brown hair, take one more look in the mirror, and head back downstairs. I plan to surprise Jase at work. I’ve never done this before, but I think he’ll love it. He turned twenty-two today. It is his first birthday since his mom died, and I want to make sure it’s the best birthday he’s ever had.

Jase has been having a really hard time since Michelle died, but he won't talk about it. It's been almost a year, and he still won't even mention her. He's drinking a lot. He even stayed out all night a time or two. I'm kind of worried, but Aunt Angie says everyone has to grieve in their own way. So I'm trying to give him his space, but it’s hard to see him struggling so much and not try to help.

Settling in my car, I place his birthday cake in the passenger seat. I imagine the look on his face, when he sees me carrying a cake into the garage. He loves my cake, but he loves me more. I know he'll be happy to see me, but he'll be even happier when he sees what I’ve got on under my dress.

I pull into the parking lot, and make my way inside. I don’t see him when I first go in. That’s strange, I figure he would be out in his bay working. I wave at the guys, but no one waves back. Not one of them will look at me. EvenJase's baby brother Shane is looking the other way. I'm not sure what’s wrong, but I know it’s bad.

Nervous butterflies flutter in my stomach. My heart starts to beat fast and I feel hot all over. I hear noises coming from inside the office, so I head that way. As soon as I open the door, my heart rips in two.Jase's pants are down and a pair of long legs are wrapped around his back. They’re on Pop's desk, and they’re going at it so hard that it’s squeaking.

“Yes, Jase, harder, baby. Fuck me like you can’t fuck your innocent little Julie.”

Oh my God, Bec! Jase grunts and starts to speed up. My head starts to spin and my stomach starts to roll. How could they hurt me this way? I feel like I’m going to be sick. Maybe I’m seeing things that aren’t real. Jase wouldn’t do this to me. I take another look in the room and see that I wasn’t wrong. My best friend and boyfriend are screwing each other behind my back! I back up slowly so they don’t hear me and bump into Shane's chest. He places his hand on my back and walks me out front.

Shane drops his arm and looks at me. Pity’s etched on his face. "I'm sorry, Jules. I should've stopped you. You never should have seen that, but I thought you deserved to know."

I look up at him and shake my head. I somehow find my voice. "This isn’t your fault. Can you do me a favor though?" My voice cracks a little.

"Anything for you, Jules."

"Don't tell him I was here. Make sure the rest of the guys don't tell him either."

Shane nods his head. "I'll make sure no one says a word."

I look down and notice that I'm still carrying his stupid birthday cake. I walk over and sit it by the garage door, and run to my car.

When I make it back home, I run up to our room. Grabbing my suitcase from the closet, I quickly pack as much of my stuff as I can. I look around the room, our room, with a heavy heart. Removing his Grandpa’s dog tags from around my neck, I head toward our bed. I know thattaking them off means that we are truly over. I place them on Jase's pillow and run to my car. Before I can get in the driver’s seat, Matty, Jase's brother pulls up. When he gets out, his eyes go alert.

“Where are you going, Jules?”

“I don't know."

"What the hell happened?"

I surprise myself when the words tumble out of my mouth. "I went to surprise Jase, and he was having sex with one my best friends.” Tears threaten and finally win as I sob heavily. Immediately, Matty wraps me up in his arms and starts to rub small circles on my back. I look up at Matty and the tears fall even harder. He looks so much like Jase that it hurts to even look at him. “I have to get out of here, before Jace gets home. I can’t face him right now.”

“You don’t have to leave.”Matty whispers, guilt lacing his voice.

I have a feeling that he knew what was going on withJase and Bec, but I am afraid to ask. Matty has been my friend for years. It would hurt too much if he had kept this from me.

“I have to go. There is no way that I can be around him.” I explain.

“I’m sorry, Jules. He doesn’t deserve you,” Matty says and continues to rub my back.

I jerk away at his words and nearly shout, “No, he doesn’t. That’s why I’m leaving.”

He’s quiet for a moment, just staring at me. He’s quiet for a moment, just staring at me. Then a sad smile spreads across his face. “You could give it a little time before you leave. You know that my brother isn’t the only man in town.”
