Page 6 of Derek

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“No, I’m not! Why is it that everyone thinks that I want to spend the rest of my life screwing random chicks? Do you guys all think that I am so damn shallow that I don’t want what you have? “

Nikki nods her head. Yes, she actually nodded her head. “I did think that, but I’m starting to come around. Now, tell me why you didn’t go to Layla with this. You know this is more of her kind of thing. I am more of the female version of you.”

“Don’t say a word to Layla. She will have me hooked up with one of those uptight bitches she works with. I don’t want a fix up. I just want some advice.”

“There is actually a new girl there that I think you would like. She is really cool, but she is all kinds of fucked up. Lots of baggage, but even I would say that baggage is wrapped up in one sexy as hell package.” Nikki says with a smile.

“Did you not hear me? No fix ups. Just advice.” I say, frustration building up in my voice. I think the world of this chick, but sometimes I would like to take her over my knee. As soon as that thought passes through my brain, the vision of doing just that fills it and I have to adjust my growing cock. I hear Nikki snort and I look up to see her smirking at me. “Sorry, just thinking about spanking your ass.” I say and flash a smile her way.

She shouts out with laughter. “Don’t give Kade any ideas. Come on,” she says as she grabs her purse. “Let’s go grab a beer and try to work on your shit.”

Chapter 4


The boys and I walk into the house and notice that the baby shower is stillgoing on. Layla and Nikki wanted us here earlier, but I told them that men don’t do baby showers, until they busted my balls and forced me to show up. They didn’t specify a time and by the number of men here, it looks like they’ve perfected their game. I make my way over to the food table and grab a few cookies that I know Layla baked before looking for a quiet place to stand and observe the people at the party.

I walk over to the wall and lean against it, looking around the room, and notice a girl fully decked out in dreads and tattoos. She looks like she has got an attitude that comes along with the package too. I’ve never been a guy to go for someone that looks like that. I usually stick to the dumb ones or the ones that look like models. I guess you can say that I’ve been kind of shallow.

Her dreads are down her back, resting just above her ass. Oh man, what an ass it is. What kind of man would I be to resist an ass like that? I start to walk towards her, but stop. When she turns around, I notice that she has her Labret, Monroe, nose and eyebrow pierced. Her piercings enhance her beauty, but that’s not what made me stop. Something about this girl looks familiar, and I can’t quite place it. Shit, it dawns on me that I’ve seen her before, and the situation was bad.

“What the hell dude? Quit staring at her. Layla had a hardofenough time getting her to come. She sees you panting after her, she’ll leave. “

I look up at Kade. “Who is she?”

“You don’t know?” He shakes his head. “Her face has been plastered all over the TV for the past few months, though she didn’t always look like that.” That wasn’t how she looked when I first saw her either.

“If I knew, I wouldn’t have asked.” I murmur as I watch her help Layla replace some of the beverages. I can’t help but think to myself that before this night is over, she is going to be mine.

“Her name is Rylie. She works with Layla. Her ex-boyfriend nearly killed her, about a year ago. The trial wrapped up pretty quick, because he pleaded out and went down for attempted murder. Twenty five years and no parole is what he made out with, but I’m hoping his ass will rot in jail for a long fucking time.” Kade says, with a pissed off look on his face.

“No shit? I saw her a while back. She was at the mall. I noticed her from across the store. Knew I had to talk to her, but some guy came up and grabbed her arm. Shit man, he hurt her. He grabbed her so hard that she cried out. I tried to get to her, but he pulled her away. They got lost in the crowd, and by the time I found them, he was kissing her. I should have checked on her, and made sure she was okay.” If I had stepped in, maybe she never would have gotten so fucked up by him. Part of me breaks knowing someone as beautiful as Rylie has been through hell and back. An immediate need to run to her and pull her into my arms floods my body. She needs someone to help her--to protect her. I want to be that guy. I will be that guy.

Kade touches my shoulder interrupting my thoughts. I look up at him and see his anger.“No one could have stopped him. You probably would have just made it worse. No telling what the dick would have done if a man had talked to her.” Kade says, while shaking his head. “I get pissed as hell at Nikki sometimes, but I could never hurt her.”

“No man should put his hands on a woman. Ever,” I say then finish my beer. I toss it in the trash and start to head towards Rylie.

“Good Luck.” Kade shouts, as I walk away.

I stop a few feet away from her and stand by a table to admire her from far away. If only I could show her what it’s like to be happy and satisfied. A grin comes across my face when I think about taking her and showing her what a real man is.



Today is Layla’s baby shower. I finish wrapping up her gifts and realize that I truly am excited to see her today. She wants me to come overa little earlier, so I can meet everyone. Gayle drops me off at her house, and I feel weird at first because I didn’t think I was going to fit in, but I shake it off and head to her backyard. When I first walk through the sliding door, I feel the stares from the other people instantly cover my skin. I didn’t tell anyone that I was doing this transformation and most of them haven’t seen me in months, so to say they were shocked by my appearance would be an understatement.

Layla doesn’t bat a lash as she comes right over to me and gives me a hug, “You look great!”

“Thanks. I feel weird though,” I whisper.

“It’s alright, don’t worry about it! I am so happy you are here. Let me introduce you to everyone.” I like that she doesn’t ask or talk to me about my new look. I get enough stares from everyone else as it is. Layla found out what happenedwith Caleb and the trial, like the rest of the world did. She was upset with me at first, because I didn’t tell her about it myself. After I explained to her that I didn’t feel it was something that I could burden a good person with, she gave me a long look, then forgave me while making me promise to never keep anything like that from her ever again. Seeing me tonight, I know that she truly understands my need for this change. A few times over the last few months, I’ve noticed her staring at me. When I’d look in the mirror at work and see that my shirt had come up in places, showing my scars left by Caleb, Layla would see mefumbling to cover my body back up while taking deep breathes to pull myself together and continue to work. She never said anything, but I knew that there were times that she wanted too. I couldn’t thank her enough for waiting for me to come to her and explain my situation, instead of pressuring me to spill my life’s story before I was ready, and while I’m still hesitant to share some things about my life, Layla introduces me to hers.

Once the shower starts winding down, I notice a group of men walk in. Layla immediately takes me over to them, and I say hi to Chase as he gives me a hug. While in his embrace, he softly tells me that he admires how strong I am. I try not to cry and hold it in. He has no idea how his words have affected me. Pulling away, I finally have my chance to meet his two infamous brothers-- Kade and James. Both are gorgeous with blonde hair and blue eyes, although Kade does seem a touch cocky, and I don’t know how in the world Nikki puts up with it. I’ve heard things about James, mostly of how he’s just like his brothers, but seeing him tonight in person, I just don’t see it. However, I do see him stare at one of Layla’s cousins like he wants to eat her, while every so often checking his phone, and generally looking sketchy. Something is definitely going on with that one, but right now I could care less, because everyone is being so sweet and nice to me.

Eventually, I go back to lingering with Layla over by Nikki. I’ve only met Nikki a handful of times, but it was enough to know that she’s feisty. They say red heads have fiery tempers, and with Nikki, that statement is very true. She has the attitude and personality of someone I wish I was. I used to think that I was like her at one point in my life, but Caleb broke me of that.

I’m listening to Nikki ask Layla about how great sex is when you are pregnant, when I first notice him. He’s standing close to the food table, and I can’t take my eyes off of him. Nikki notices me checking him out, and leans in close to whisper into my ear.
