Page 7 of Derek

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“That’s Derek. Cute huh?” But, I don’t say anything, prompting her to continue. “Listen girl, I know what happened, and I’m sorry. If you need anything let me know.” She gives me a quick hug then walks away. I force myself to stop staring at Derek and tune back in to Layla’s idle chatter, and even though my eyes want to stray to where I know he’s standing, I stay focused on Layla.

Later on, I am getting a glass of soda when I feel someone move to stand right behind me. Oh my god. I slowly turn around and there he is. Derek. He has to be the hottest man that I’ve ever laid eyes on. I thought Caleb was the best looking man I had ever seen, but looking at Derek, I realize that I was so very wrong. Short brown hair paired with dark brown eyes, and built like a forward with perfect hips, Dereck oozes sex appeal. I bet anything, that if he took his clothes off, he would have the perfect ‘v’, complete with wash board abs. Upon further inspection, I notice that he even has the beginnings of a goatee growing beneath his full lips. That mouth…

“Hey, I’m sorry we didn’t get a chance to meet earlier. I’m Derek,” his sexy voice fills my head, ripping me out of my trance. I quickly snap my gaping mouth shut, and look up to meet his eyes.

The way he’s looking back at me makes my stomach tighten. He licks his lips while he stares at me. Wow. “Hey. The name’s Rylie.” Ugh. Why did I say that!?

“Damn that’s a hot name. I like the hair and tats. The piercings work for you too. Layla never said that you looked this hot,” he laughs. His comment reminds me of why I need to stay away from men. I can’t put myself in that position again. I can’t fall in love and get hurt. This is my chance to change my life. My redemption.

Derek is still near me. I can feel him looking at me, staring straight into my soul, but I shake him offand play with my cup, while turning my head to watch Layla laughing at something Chase had said. I let out a sigh. Why can’t I find that happiness? I feel a lump in my throat and turn to walk towards the sliding glass doors. I need to get away. I hear someone walking behind me, and freeze as the hairs on my arms raise.

Derek’s lips come close to my ear, “Leaving sosoon? Do you have any plans after this?”

I shiver just hearing his voice this close, because it give me the chills. “Actually, I am going home and enjoying some time alone.” I turn and look at him, flashing the biggest, fakest smile that I can muster up.

Being around people never bothered me before. I actually needed to be around people, because I craved their attention, but ever since Caleb and his scars, I just want to be alone.

“I was wondering if maybe you’d want to go out.”

“Not tonight, sorry.” I tell him, then spot Nikki and Layla chatting. I look around, seeing where Chase is because last I checked, he was just with Layla. I notice him walking over this way, eyes on Derek. I leave Derek and walk over to the girls instead of escaping the party like I had originally planned. Both of them are smiling at me.

“What, what is it?” I ask them.

“You and Derek?” Nikki asks.

I turn to look at Derek, who isnow with Chase and Kade, talking. From afar, I watch him animatedly talk to his friends, and wish that I wasn’t as messed up as I am. I wish I could take the plunge and spend some time getting to know him. Unfortunately, life is a bitch. Turning back to Nikki, I take a sip of my drink.

“No, I’m not ready for a relationship.” I tell them.

“He really is a good guy.” Layla says, but I ignore her. Hoping they will change the subject.

Throughout the rest of the party, we both continue to steal glances at one another, but by the end of the affair, a cold resolve comes over me and I know for a fact that I am not ready for this. It’s still too soon.



I watch Rylie walk away. Fuck she is hot.She’s not like any girl I’ve ever been attracted to. What is it about her? “Not her, man.” Chase says from behind me.

I turn to look at him. Frowning, “Why not her?”

“Haven’t you seen the news? She doesn’t need your brand of player.”

“Yes, I have, and I just spent time talking with Kade about it. “

“Then, like I said, stay away from her.”

“Maybe I’m tired of playing. Have you ever thought of that? Do you think you’re the only man that wants a good woman? Don’t forget who you used to be; not that long ago either. Your ass made me look like a saint, so don’t tell me to stay away from her.”

“Fine, but if you hurt her, I’ll kick your ass. That girl’s been through enough bad shit. It’s time she gets a little good.” He turns and walks away.

I think about what Chase said, and I know he’s right. She doesn’t need someone like me in her life, but I can’t help but stare at Rylie for the rest of the night. I’m going to have her; I just have to give her some time first.

Chapter 5


“I really don’t have time for dinner, Rose. I need to get packed if I want to get on the road early.” I say as Rosie pulls me into the restaurant.
