Page 8 of Derek

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“I know. You have already said that like ten different times, but I don’t care. You are not starting your entire life over without taking at least one night off to celebrate.” Who knew this girl couldbe so bossy? She is always a big pushover at work.

As soon as we walk through the door, all of the girls I work with jump up and shout. “Surprise!” I am shocked as shit to see everyone here. As I look around, I notice that even the girls from my old shop are here. I’m overwhelmed with emotion when Gayle walks from behind the crowd, and pulls me into a big hug. “I’m going to miss you so much, darling.” I finally break into tears. I just cannot believe that all of these people are here for me.

It ends up taking six tables to fit our entire party. I am just starting to take a bite of my Kung Pow chicken when Rosie looks over to me. “So, are you going to give Derek a shot or what?” How did I know she was going to say something about him? I told her last week about meeting Derek at the baby shower, and she encouraged me to see where it would lead.

I stare at my food and try to process what she’s asking me. I like Derek. There’s something about him that draws me in, but it was the same with Caleb. I can’t let my guard down now. Plus, I’m leaving tomorrow and there’s no point in starting something now.

“If I wasn’t leaving tomorrow, I might.”

Gayle’s eyes get big. “You mean to tell me that you’ve actually been thinking about dating?”

“No, not really. I just think Derek seemed like a really nice guy. I am not sure if it would have gone anywhere, but I would have liked to have had the chance to get to know him.” I try to explain.

“You are not going to be that far away, you know? You could at least give him your number, and maybe you guys could get together sometime.” Rosie adds with a smile.

I look over to Gayle, and see that she is smiling too. She gives me a little nod, to let me know that she approves.

I look back over to Rosie. “Okay, I guess I can do that. Could one of you give it to him?” I ask the two girls that are from the front desk at the salon. Apparently, both have had a night with him at one point in time and managed to score his number.

They both pull out their phones and start texting. I am too nervous to wait for his response, so I excuse myself, and walk towards the restroom. As I walk around the corner, I am stopped dead in my tracks. Derek is standing there talking to a really pretty brunette. Her back is up against the wall, and Derek is standing only inches away from her face. She has one hand on his shoulder and another on his chest. He starts to lower his mouth to hers, but pulls back suddenly. He reaches into his pocket and pulls out his phone. He frowns for a moment, then a slow smile spreads across his face, and he quickly types something onto the screen. As soon as he is done, he places the phone back into his pocket, and looks back at the brunette.

I freeze as I stand there watching him. What a fucking player. I am so glad that I’m leaving and never looking back at this place. Seeing Derek in this light makes me realize that I am making the right decision.

I turn away and rush back to the table, forgetting I even had to use the bathroom. Everyone is smiling.

“He says he is busy right now, but that he would call you and set up something for later.” Char says.

Oh my god, he actually took the time to text them back, when he was out with another woman. What a dick! I just nod and start to eat. Everyone is quiet for a moment. “What the hell happened? You were all smiles when you left the table, and you’re anything but happy now?” asks Rosie.

I start to explain, but stop when Derek walks by our table holding hands with the brunette. He stops as soon as he sees us. His eyes meet mine, and he jerks his hand away from the brunette. He starts to open his mouth, but I shake my head. I turn to Gayle.

“I will be getting a new number as soon as I move. I’ll text you when I get it.” I say loudly enough for Derek to hear. I paste a fake smile across my face and turn back to Derek. “Nice to see you again.” He doesn’t say anything back as he walks away. The brunette follows him like a sick puppy and it makes me ill to think that I actually wanted to give him a chance.

A half hour passes when I notice the girl whom Derek was with storming out of the restaurant. Seconds later, Derek saunters up to the table.

“Can we talk?” He asks.

I keep my eyes on my friends. I don’t even want to give him a response because I’m sick of this crap, and feel foolish that I even let Derek phase me. I give in and I tell him I’m moving so there is no point, he tries to get me to talk more, but I just turn my back to him. He eventually gets the point that I won’t talk to him and leaves.

As he walks he mutters a harsh, “Fuck.” I know he’s mad, but I don’t care.

Hell, I don’t even know why he’s mad. He’s not mine. Never will be mine. I’m starting over tomorrow, and starting over doesn’t involve Derek. I look up and see him standing just by the door, giving me a smile, but it seems different. It’s not like the ones before. There’s a hint of sadness and defeat. I keep watching him until he leaves.

I shake it off and finish up my night.



I didn’t think I’d have a chance with Rylie, so I picked up Tori for dinner. She’s always been my back up lay for when I don’t feel like finding one for myself. I got a text from someone I didn’t know while we were waiting to be seated at our table.

Unknown – Friend of Rylie’s, she wants you. Scared. Keep pursuing her. She’s already wanting to give in.

I got that text twice, from two different numbers. I smile as I see it. So Rylie does want me. Hell yeah! I decide to finish up dinner, and then return Tori back to her house. I look at Tori and shake my head. I knew I shouldn’t have done this shit. What shocks me is that when we’re walking through the restaurant, I see that Rylie is here. Shit! I can’t shake the look that was on her face. I thought tonight I would finally have my chance, after seeing those messages. Of all places, why does she have to be here? Why did I have to pick up this idiot? Fuck! I have to fix this. I have to show Rylie what’s up- Iwanther.

I decide to just have a drink, while Tori orders something to eat. She looks at me and smiles.

“I’m so glad you asked me to come out tonight, Derek,” She coos as she reaches for my hand and squeezes it. “I really wanna take us further. I know I can make you happy.”
