Page 9 of Derek

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“Yeah about that, Tori; listen, it’s been fun, but I think it’s time for you to go. I had fun, you’re a good fuck, but I want something more, and sweetheart it’s not you.” I pick up my glass of water and take a sip while Tori stares back at me with anger in her eyes. “You can go now Tori.”

“Screw you, Derek!” She yells as she pushes out her chair, knocking it down in the process, and storms out of the restaurant.

I make my way over to Rylie’s table. She looks so hot in her white skinny jeans and purple tank top. Her hair is tied to the side, exposing the butterfly tattoo she has on the back of her neck. I go up to her table and look at her, “Can we talk?”

She looks at me and I expect a smile or something, but she gives me the look of death. Damn. This girl is not happy to see me. “Derek, no. I’m leaving tomorrow, so there is no point.”

“What do you mean you’re leaving tomorrow?” She ignores me. I look at her friends for help, but they just give me a sad expression. Before I lose it, I leave, but before I walk out the door, I stop and look back at Rylie. Damn I wish she would give me a chance.

Later on, I end up at Steele for drinks. I need to get my mind off of her. I’m on my fifth shot of tequila when I notice a red head saunter up to me.

“Hey there handsome, wanna buy me a drink?” She purrs, while rubbing her hands on me. I lower my eyes and take her in; short red dress clinging to her body and more make up than any girl should wear. I think about it for a minute, then decide why the hell not.

“Sure.” She orders her drink and sits beside me.

“I’m Angie.” She says.

“You can just keep calling me handsome.” I smirk at her as she frowns. Why bother telling these chicks my name? I watch her finish her drink. “Ready to get out of here?”

“Yes, your place or mine?”

“Yours.” I say; always theirs. I don’t want chicks knowing where I live.

We get to her house and the clothes come flying off. She gives great head. My cock reaches the back of her throat. Fuck, it feels good. Her talented mouth isn’t bad, but something’s off. I can’t find a release. I push her away, “Get on top and ride my cock.”

She listens to what I tell her and gets on me. Her tits are bouncing up and down in my face as she rides me fast and hard. I feel her release coming, but I still can’t find mine. What the hell is wrong with me tonight? When I feel her come, I push her off me and get dressed, tossing the empty condom in the trash.

“You’re leaving?” She asks sounding pissed.

“Babe, you knew this was just a quick lay.” I say without looking at her.

“Fucking scum!”

“Don’t be a whore.” I smirk at her as I walk out.

Rylie has me fucked up.I couldn’t even get off tonight. Why am I so messed up over this girl?

Chapter 6


I hate moving. I always have. When I was little, we had to move damn near every month. My parents would drink away all the rent money and we would end up getting kicked out. If it wasn’t for the rent, the loud parties and cops showing up all the time is what kept us on the move. Some of our landlords were really nice, and they tried to work with my parents, but there was only so much anyone could take. Then there were the other landlords that were really bad.

The place that we lived at the longest actually ended up being my favorite. When the time came for our eviction notice, the Landlord that owned the house made my fathermadea deal he couldn’t refuse. In exchange for living rent free, I just had to make weekly visits to the Landlord’s apartment. My father jumped at this idea, and warned me before I went over there for the first time, that I better not say a word about what would happen there to anyone. My mother didn’t even care. She just seemed happy to get rid of me. But what my parents didn’t know, was that this man didn’t hurt me. He seemed to know what was happening with my parents, and wanted to make sure I was safe as much as possible.

I looked to him as my grandfather; he was such a great man. I even had my own room at his place. When I turned sixteen, he helped me buy my first car and told me that my life would someday be so much more than it was now and to never give up. The day he passed away was a few weeks after my eighteenth birthday, and ended up being the day that I made my escape from my parents for good. He left me everything in his will. My parents were livid, saying I needed to hand over that money. I took off when they started yelling at me, but went back later that night when they were passed out from being drunk and high to get my things.

My whole life is in boxes again; all of my clothes, accessories, and belongings. I hesitate with each piece that I touch. I know deep down that I’m making the right decision, but why is this so hard? I can’t help but wonder if this is the path that I’m supposed to going on or if I’ve veered off into the unknown.I shake off my thoughts and finish packing.

I’m emptying out the closet when I come across a large white box. I can’t believe that I kept this. I pick it up, carry it over to my bed, and pull the top off. Inside is my wedding dress that I bought the week after Caleb asked me to marry him. I pull it out and walk over to the mirror. It’s a beautiful dress. I fell in love with it at first sight. It’s not your typical wedding dress in anyway. It’s short, coming right above my knees, with a blush hue and has a deep V in the front. It also has an open back with a long train that starts at the small of my back and ends about a foot out past me. I take one last look at the mirror, ready to toss the dress in the trashcan, but I can’t seem to force myself to let it go. After a few minutes of internal struggle, I finally carry it back to the bed and pack it back in to the box. It may not be my wedding dress anymore, but it doesn’t mean I can never wear it.

I finish packing up the rest of my room, and stare at the empty space that has been my home for almost a year now. Gayle has done so much for me, and she’s even helping me with this move. It’s going to be hard to leave her, but I need to do this. Somehow, someway, I have got to start over.

I lug all of the boxes downstairs and slowly, but surely, get them packed into my newly purchased, used car. As I slam the back door and look back at the house, I hear footsteps behindme.

“I’ll miss you around here.” Gayle says from behind me. I turn around and give her a tight hug, tears streaming down my face.

“I’ll miss you too.” I step out of the hug and wipe the tears from my face.
