Page 13 of Can't Resist You

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Reaper’s face turns to stone. “Yeah, as I said, sick fuck, we’re legit now, everyone knows it, but this fucker… I would gladly spend life in jail to end him. But then Moira would probably murder me herself.” I giggle slightly at that but turn serious again.

“We’ll help,” I state.

Drew gives my hand another squeeze and lets it go, and I feel sad his hand is gone. What the hell is wrong with me that I would even think that? “We’ll help, as Tara stated, when do you need us?”

“We have to plan stuff, move things around, and a few of us have to speak at court about a few of our cases, so we’re thinking two weeks from now. We’d like to do it sooner, but with a guy like that, we need to have as many of us as we can, fuck knows what he’s capable of.”

Drew closes the file and sends it back towards Reaper and nods. “Good, the more information we all know the better. I know you guys have better connections, connections I probably shouldn’t know about, so don’t tell me, but if you find out more, call me, or Tara, and we’ll be there.”

Reaper stands up, snatching the file from the table, folds it and sticks it in his back pocket. “Just like old times, eh Tara.” He gives me a grin and looks to Drew, who looks confused. “She used to come with us all the time, to help mostly with the kids. We tried to convince her to become a social worker, or hell even learn to ride a bike and become a member, but she was bound and determined to be a cop. “

Another look I can’t describe crosses over Drew’s features, and he shakes Reaper’s hand and leaves.

“What’s with you and him, you dating? Do I need to beat the shit out of him?” A laugh bubbles up and I shake my head.

“I’m sorry I’ve been sucking with calling to keep in touch and update everyone. But no, we’re not dating, he’s just my boss and now roommate. Oh, and my boyfriend’s best friend. He also hates me.”

Narrowing his eyes at me he shakes his head. “Do we need to have another talk about you lying?” He can always see right through me, and I hate it.

“It’s not totally a lie, Reaper, and I really don’t want to get into it right now. I love you, but I’m tired, and after looking at that file I need to go home, get drunk, and pass out.”

He grabs me, pulling me in for a tight hug. “Then I’ll let you get on with that, and we’ll talk more later. Love you, kid.”

With that, he walks out, leaving me in the conference room alone. Seeing the pictures of those children, beat to hell, reminds me of my own childhood. That’s why I absolutely will be doing what I told Reaper I needed to do. Time to go home and get drunk to forget.

Chapter 12


Living with Drew week five

Keller and I head out to the bar with his team. Living with Tara hasn’t been bad, only shitty part is how Keller is around more often. The fucker lives with me when he’s not bed hopping, but this is the most he’s been around. It’s probably the newness of having Tara there. Once he’s out on the road I’m sure he’ll be back to normal. I think this is the longest the idiot hasn’t cheated.

“So fuckin’ hyped to get out on the road, man. New pussy to explore. Tara’s cunt has been pretty epic the last month, but I need variety.” And there it is, the douche has come out.

I don’t bother replying, the fucking moron will get caught eventually. I’m more worried about being home alone with Tara once he's gone. Her and I might have to have some ground rules while Keller’s gone. It’s hard enough keeping my hands to myself at work. Hell, when she first started working with me, I tried to get her to leave, and it wasn’t that I wanted her gone or to lose out on her job, I wanted to fuck her again. And I’ve made it a strong rule to never shit where I eat.

But with Keller leaving with his team for a while, fuck, having her in my house, the struggle to not fuck her against the wall, on my kitchen counter, bent over in the shower, fuck me, that’s gonna be a bitch. I’ve watched her more closely since she moved in. I’ve noticed the way she holds herself when she’s with Keller, and more often than not, half the shit out of Keller’s mouth has her trying not to cringe, except a few times it’s slipped out.

She obviously isn’t all that into him, so why she doesn’t break up with him doesn’t make sense. I heard her on the phone to her friend, and hell, she admitted it to me also, so I don’t get her wanting to wait until his season is over to dump him. Maybe that’s something I can explore more once Keller is gone. Tara can do so much better than him. For example. Me.

Last week when Mason, also known as Reaper, came into the station to ask for our assistance, something changed. Sure, I always thought Tara was hot, but watching her with him, and how certain things were shared, I got a glimpse into her past. She was already scarred. The Angels Warriors helped to rebuild her broken pieces. And knowing what Keller is doing to her has me angrier than I already was.

It didn’t take much to put the pieces of her past together. Not with how she reacted to Reaper at the station, or the little comments that were made.

She already seemed to have a shitty life, full of hurt, and once she finds out what her boyfriend has been up to, she’ll be hurt again. Or maybe not, I don’t have a god damn clue. Maybe she’ll just be relieved.

I grab a beer from the bar and go back to the booth where Keller and a few of his teammates are sitting. The night is still early, since there are no puck bunnies swarming them yet.

“How is it, living with your girl?” Speed, Keller’s teammate asks.

Keller shrugs. “It’s pretty good, don’t know why she won’t let me sleep in her bed though. We fuck and then she makes me leave to go my own room. Thought we’d be living together by now, you know. Maybe I’ll just have to put a ring on it to get that privilege.” He smirks and fists bumps everyone, except me.

I finish my beer and set the bottle on the table just as a group of women come to the booth Sitting themselves down on each of the guys laps, including Keller’s.

“Hey, handsome, you wanna come to my place tonight?” the blonde in Keller’s lap asks seductively.

Keller grins and shoots me a look that saysdon’t say a fucking word.And I just shake my head at him. Dumb fuck. “How about you get under the table and give me a sample of what I can expect, wrap those perfect swollen lips around my cock, baby.” She gives him a quick kiss and does as he asks. The second I realize he’s actually gonna let her suck him off right here in the club, I’m out of my chair.
