Page 16 of Can't Resist You

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She removes her hands from me and wrings them together. “I was always told she ran away because she hated me, but T-bags and Angel did some digging, there was literally no trace of her once I turned five. Reaper and Zippo got this strange look on their faces when they were told this and raced out of the clubhouse, two hours later they came back covered in dirt and said they found her. My father murdered her and buried her in the backyard. They were able to get her buried in a cemetery for me.”

“I’m sorry, Tara, I’m sorry your childhood was so horrifying, but you got one thing wrong.” She looks at me in confusion. “My childhood wasn’t as good as you think. I had a loving mother, who was beaten by my father, but she was too weak to leave him. He beat her so bad once, I thought he had killed her, so I called the police myself. When my mother woke up, she finally listened to my pleading and filed charges. My father is the reason I became a cop. He was murdered in jail by his cellmate a month after being sentenced, no love lost there. And as for my mother, she passed away ten years ago, when I turned nineteen, cancer.”

“Wow, I’m sorry to hear that. Seems we both had shitty dads.”

I give her a small smile and pull her up from the chair. “Go on, get home, take a bath or something, cuddle with LF, I’ll be home around seven with pizza.”

She gives me a grin and leaves.

This whole day was fucked up, but now more than ever, I just want to do right by Tara. The second I can, I’m having a chat with Keller, he’s not gonna destroy her anymore than she already has been.

Chapter 15


Week three of no Keller

Iget home after my shift, pissed. Drew thinks he’s so much god damn better than me, and I’m sick of it. None of the others at the station even understand why he’s such a prick to me. I’m thinking it’s because we fucked, but hell, that was almost a year ago now.

Last week after we had our little heart to heart, I thought maybe we were finally moving past our issues between each other, but today proved otherwise. And hell, I don’t even know what was wrong, he just started yelling at me over everything.

How I had my hair, how one of my buttons wasn’t done up right on my shirt, how I was eating and getting crumbs all over my desk and possibly paperwork. I finally had enough and threw my half-eaten donut at him and told him to fuck right off and get the stick outta his ass. Of course, that went over oh so well, and he started saying messed up shit about why women and men shouldn’t work together.

I was so angry I almost slapped him, which would have gotten me in serious shit since we were at work and the station was full of people. So, I just walked out, not caring if my shift wasn’t over yet. Of course, Drew caught up with me in the hall and tried to apologize, but I just shook him off, needing a break from him.

The front door slams shut, and I know the jackass is home. “I don’t get why the hell you won’t just carpool with me. You’d save on gas.” Why is he talking to me? Seriously.

“I drive myself so I have more time away from you. Duh,” I sass him, pulling a vodka cooler out of the fridge and move to the living room. I notice the bastard following me. “What? You see me at work, you see me at home, and right now, I want to be away from you. Stop following me.”

“You’re such a bitch. Why the fuck is Keller still with you? How can he put up with your mouth?” He glares at me, his jaw clenched.

This is where I wish I had a filter when I get angry, because everything just pours out of my mouth. “Maybe because he likes my hot tight pussy, maybe he loves how my mouth sucks him dry. Ever think of that? Oh wait, yeah you have because you’ve been inside me too.” I roll my eyes and try to stomp away up to my room.

Drew grabs my arm, spinning me around and my back is up against the wall, my drink spilling. “I hate how much I fucking want you but can’t have you.” My head jerks back, smacking the wall. What the hell did he just say? “Oh, fuck it.” His lips slam down on mine, tongue shoving into my mouth. Oh god, he tastes just like I remember, hint of tobacco and mint. I’ve noticed he only smokes if a case he’s working on is getting to him, seems to calm him down some.

His hands roam over my body, finally cupping my ass, and I move my leg over his hip, grinding into him. God, he’s so hard. My pussy throbs as he grinds into my core, and it’s not long before I’m coming in my pants. His mouth rips away from mine, his eyes heated with hunger. “Fuck, I need inside you.”

It’s then I realize what I’ve just done. Panic fills me, and I shove him away. “What the fuck did I just do?” I might not be in love with Keller, or even sure where this relationship is going, but I just cheated on him. I’m not that person.

“Tara…” Drew’s voice is low, almost pleading.

“I can’t do this, this is wrong, I’m with Keller. Your best friend,” I ramble out, tears falling down my face.

His hands frame my face, fingers removing the tears. “I don’t regret it; it’s been a long time coming. We both know you don’t want to be with Keller.”

He’s right, I don’t want to be with Keller, but this is still wrong, I’m not this person, I never want to be this person. Do I want to be with Drew? Hell yes, but not in this way. Maybe at another time, another place, I would give in, but I just can’t.

Chapter 16


Iwatch Tara as my words sink in. Hope fills my chest. “It doesn’t matter, I’m not a cheater, I can’t do that to him, to anyone.”

I clench my jaw, wanting to spill the secrets I know about Keller but don’t. She’ll think I’m lying just to have her, or she’ll hate me knowing that I knew the entire time. Tara not wanting to hurt Keller by cheating on him makes me like her that much more. Even if she knew he cheated, I doubt she’d revenge cheat. She’s not that person.

But fuck, Keller is gone, and from the texts on my phone he’s scoring new pussy every night. I’ve seen enough tits and pussy shots in the last week alone to make me cringe. The more I think about what he’s doing behind her back, the more I want to take Tara right here and now.

I step away from her, giving her the space she is craving, and she takes off. I’ll give her tonight, but tomorrow, I’m going all in. I will have her again, fucking her, tasting her.
