Page 17 of Can't Resist You

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I’ve never wanted something so bad in my life, and I agree with her. Tara and I are not the cheating type, but what we both want can’t be wrong. Her and I are so right, and I’ll prove it to her.

I head down to my gym basement and LF follows me, making me almost fall down the stairs. “Fucking cat.” It’s like he purposely makes himself annoying once in a while, so I don’t think he’s the best cat ever.

I strip down and put on my workout gear and turn on the music. It’s either workout or storm into Tara’s room and we really hash this out, which would end with me inside of her.

I go at the punching bag a good half hour after I finish on the treadmill. Feeling better, having worked off the need to take Tara, I hear my phone ringing causing my music to turn off. “Yeah?”

“Hey, man, how’s it going?” Keller slurs into the phone, by the sounds of it he’s at a party.

“Good, you?” I keep my reply short, since I really don’t have shit to say to him right now.

“Yeah, fucking amazing here. We’re having a private party at this strip club, man, and I swear, I’ve never seen so many hot bitches at once. And it’s a full nudity club. Anything fucking goes here, place is run by the Untamed MC. I already saw like three fucking gangbangstonight. I’m getting in on some of that action later.” The grip on my phone tightens, and if I don’t get off this phone with him, I swear I’m gonna end up breaking it and needing a new cell. “Anyways, man, calling to see if you know where Tara is? She’s not answering her phone.”

Probably because she feels guilty right now, when she shouldn’t. “Sorry, maybe she’s still at work, when I see her next, I’ll have her call you.” I lie.

“Nah, tell her I’ll try again tomorrow, don’t need to have some hot bitch bouncing on my cock when she phones. Later.” He hangs up and his parting words have me seeing red. I put the phone down and hit play on my music again, this time punching the bag while imagining it’s Keller’s face.

I don’t know how much time has passed but my music shuts off when I get an incoming text. Sweat is pouring off me, and I finally feel worn out. Thinking maybe the text could be work, I check my phone. It’s not, it’s from Keller, and of course the image attached has my mouth curling in disgust. It’s a picture of him and some girl riding his cock reverse cowgirl. His hands parting her cunt showing literally everything. At least he’s smart enough to use a goddamn condom.

I hit delete on the text, wanting to erase it from my brain and head for the shower. I can’t waste anymore time being angry at him. I have to find a way to tell Tara the truth of who Keller really is without making me seem like the bad guy.

Chapter 17


Once I hear Drew turn on his music, I take off out of the house, needing some fresh air. I take my phone with me and try to call Tina, but she never answers. Which isn’t like her. I’ve barely heard from her over the last few weeks, and since Keller left with his team, I haven’t heard from her at all. I hope whatever she’s doing right now that she’s okay.

My phone chimes a few times and I see it’s Keller calling me. I just mute it so I don’t have to decline the call, and let it go to voicemail. I know if I talked to him right now, the guilt I’m feeling would be noticeable.

Would it really be so bad to get with Drew? Especially when I’m planning on breaking up with Keller anyway? I think back on the kiss we just had and put my fingers to my still swollen lips. It didn’t feel wrong, maybe that’s the worst part of all of this.

I wish I had someone to talk to about it, and then I remember I do. Zippo had a situation like this, well kind of, maybe he can help me out. I quickly click on his name and put my phone to my ear.

“Hey kid, finally calling me, huh?” I can tell he has a smile on his face when he answers.

“Hey, Zippo, you got time to talk for a bit? I need some advice,” I reply to him quietly as I enter a park and take a seat on a bench.

“Of course, what’s going on?” he asks, his voice now serious.

I start at the beginning, telling him about how I met Drew, what happened, how I met Keller and where we’re at now. To what just happened between Drew and I and what I’ve been planning for a while to do about Keller.

Zippo is quiet for a while, and if it wasn’t for his labored breathing, I would think he hung up on me.

“Kid, you’ve been going through all this emotional shit for almost a year, and just now you’re telling me about it? Fuck me.”

“I didn’t think you’d guys want to hear about boy issues. Plus, I decided to come to you with this latest dilemma since you sort of went through something similar. With Lilly and Kayla.”

“The difference between this and that, was I was a fucked-up piece of shit. Would break up with Lilly and go fuck Kayla. Stop fucking Kayla when I’d get back together with Lilly. Then I was even more fucked up when I ended up knocking them both up around the same damn time. But in the end, I fought for Lilly, wouldn’t have matter if Kayla had lived, I never would have gone there again. I learned my lesson when I almost lost Lilly for good.” Their story was a hard one to hear, what with rogue members trying to take the club down and turn it back into what it once used to be, and murders, kidnappings, secret babies, and shit. Crazy messed up. But I’m so happy my boys got their happily ever afters, even if there were a few casualties along the way. “The main thing, Tara, you are not fucked up. No matter what you’ve been through in the past. If Drew is the man you want, you deserve to move forward with that. Best friend to the current boyfriend or not.”

“Thanks Vinny,” I whisper, brokenly.

“Tara, sweetheart, if you do what’s in your heart, you will never make a mistake. Is it the right timing for giving it a go with this guy? Probably not, but when will the right time be? You can’t know that. Take it one day at a time.” He pauses. “But no matter what, whatever you choose to do, don’t ever let someone tell you what you’re doing is wrong.”

“I love you Vinny, thank you.”

He grunts on the line. “Yeah kid, I know, and right back at ya, you know that. Keep in touch, and please don’t wait a god damn year to unleash all you bottle up inside.”

I smile. “I promise.”
