Page 19 of Can't Resist You

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I suit up in the crime scene gear and head into the house. First thing I notice is there is blood everywhere. “Fuck.” I whisper out in shock, taking it all in.

“Detective Knight? Officer Moore, I was first responder.” He comes over to me, shaking my gloved hand with his. “Neighbor called it in, heard screaming. This time worse than all the times before.”

“What’s that mean? Worse than before?” I ask him.

He opens his interview book and starts reading. “I asked that, called in to find more about it. Neighbor's call in about this house at least once a week, if not once a day. The one and only time someone came over to try and help, they were almost shot. So the neighbor's stay clear and do the only other thing they can do. Call us.”

Making Officer Moore walk with me through the house, I stop in the living room. Taking in the disturbing scene. Woman, in her nightgown, face half missing and a knife sticking out of her chest, lays on the floor.

“Victim’s name is Helena Glister, age thirty-four, mother of two. Married since eighteen to Daniel Glister, age thirty-nine.”

“Give me more than that. What’s the deal here, where are the kids?” My heart starts to race, wondering if the children are gone like this too.

“They are at their grandmothers for the week, we have a unit on the way over there now to let the family know what happened here.”

“And Mr. Glister?” I crouch down over the body, my eyes taking it all in.

“Shot himself in the head. He’s dead upstairs. Seems murder suicide. And from what we’ve gathered so far from the neighborhood, is that he beat his wife and kids regularly, also was often seen screwing anything that moved at the bar down the street. Also didn’t stop him from bringing the women back here, knowing full well that his wife and kids were here.” I look up at Officer Moore in disgust.

I stand up and head back out the front door. “Coroner should be here soon. Doesn’t really seem to be a reason to investigate this further.” He nods in agreement. “Still, make sure we get pictures of everything, every piece of evidence tagged and sent downtown. Finish up with interviews, even go to friends and family of the couple too, get everything.”

He looks at me confused. “But it’s an open and shut case, Mr. Glister did it, shouldn’t we just let the family move on?”

“Absolutely, however, doesn’t take away from the fact that we still do this by the book. What if he has parents or friends that claim he would never do this? Making us investigate further? This way, we’ve done exactly that and don’t lose any of the evidence.”

“Okay, I get it, I’ll finish up here, make sure I have all the neighbor's statements down. Then head to the station to write that up. I’ll call into the squad going to the grandmother’s house, and make sure they ask just a few questions too.”

For god sake, how long has this guy been a cop? “No, you won’t. The grandmother and Children need time. They get the news, then the officers there leave. Go back tomorrow, at the earliest and ask her questions, and if the kids are old enough, unfortunately you’ll have to talk to them too. Make sure you take a social worker with you for that shit though. I’ll put in a call to Lexington, see if Adam or Blake will help out.” Lexington building isn’t far from my station. Good guys, both social workers but run it on their own, not with government, but a private practice of sorts. Took them awhile to get approvals for what they wanted, but they were sick of the usual CPS system. The cases they deal with are either through the Angels Warriors or desperate calls from family members.

They are also the only social workers in the city I ever call when I have to deal with children because they are the only ones I trust.

“Okay, Detective, sounds good.” Officer Moore finally says.

I give him a nod and head to my car and head on home.

Chapter 19


Iwatch Drew walk away after kissing me goodbye. He did that as if it’s a normal thing. What on earth is going on? My head is all over the damn place. And once again I can’t get a hold of Tina. I left her a voicemail telling her that I needed my best friend.

Then it clicks, something is going on with her, and I’m going to find out. She might be able to avoid my phone calls, but she can’t avoid me if I just show up at her place. Heading to the bathroom, I wash my face and brush my hair out, making sure I don’t look like a swamp ass mess. Then head out, grabbing my purse by the front door and leave.

Tina’s place is in a shitty part of town, but her rent is dirt cheap. Every apartment in her building is a loft style, considering it’s actually an old ass house that was converted over. Or I should say, a huge old ass house, that when they converted it to apartments, they had to install an elevator.

Getting through the traffic on the busy road leading to her place takes forever, but I finally pull in around back to park. I notice her car in her spot, good she’s home. And make my way in. heading up to the second floor I knock on her door and seconds later it swings open.

Her goes face pale at seeing me. “Tara. Hey, what are you doing here?” she asks.

Narrowing my eyes at her I skirt past her and enter her place. “I’m here because my best friend hasn’t been answering my phone calls and I’ve been worried about her. Want to tell me what’s going on?” I demand, my hands on my hips as I glare at her.

She swallows thickly and closes her door. “It’s nothing, just working through some things is all.”

“Tina, we’ve been friends for years, stop lying to me. You’re always there to help me through my shit, let me help you.” I was going to seek her advice for stuff with Drew and Keller, but right now it looks like she needs me more than I need her.

She moves to sit on her couch and pulls her feet up underneath her. “There is this guy or was this guy. We were seeing each other. No, not seeing each other, just sleeping together really, though he would sometimes fly me out to meet up with him when he was away. On um, business.” This doesn’t sound good. “I found out I was pregnant.” I move to her, pulling her into my arms, holding her tight as I feel her tears wet my shoulder.

“Oh Tina, what happened?”
