Page 21 of Can't Resist You

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I turn to look at her as I put my jeans on that were on the floor, waiting for her to continue.

“You must have gotten home extremely late, I didn’t get home until after One, and you were later than that obviously.”

“Yeah, and?”

“You’re really going to work after barely sleeping last night?”

I smile and pull her up from the bed. “We’re cops, it’s what we do. Plus, having you against me while I slept, swear, best sleep I’ve ever had, even though it wasn’t much. Now go on. Get showered, I’ll fix us breakfast and then hop in the shower after you. And for once, we’re driving to work together.”

She rolls her eyes and tries to hide her smile. “Yeah, yeah.” I swat her ass as she moves around me and into her bathroom.

Yeah, I was definitely missing out before.

Chapter 21


One month after starting

Drew said we were going to give this a shot, and while doing it, not to think about Keller, and I have to say that’s been extremely easy. Only a handful of times over the last month has he slipped into my thoughts, and that’s usually only when he calls, which was a total of three times, making me feel a little guilty. But Drew’s been amazing.

Only, I’m frustrated beyond belief. He touches me, goes down on me, fingers me, and I sometimes return the favor, when he gives me the chance. But we haven’t had sex. I don’t want to bring it up, because I don’t want to seem desperate or slutty, but hell, I need some dick in my pussy damn it.

Another thing that has changed over the last month, is Tina’s not communicating again. And when I’ve gone by her place she’s not there. I get she’s going through things, horrible things, but I wish she’d let me be there for her.

As I brush my teeth Drew comes up behind me, placing soft kisses on my neck. I lean over, my ass shoved into his crotch as I spit my toothpaste out and rinse off my brush. “Babe, keep it up and I’ll have to take you right here.”

Those words shoot straight to my pussy and I bite my lip. “I wouldn’t complain.”

Drew groans, frustrated. “Then we’d be late for work, and that’s just not happening. Finish getting ready so we can head out. I have plans for us tonight.” He gives my ass a slight smack and leaves the bathroom.

I swear, I’m gonna end up just jumping him soon if he doesn’t put out. Although, just simply being with him this last month has been amazing. We talk, and not just about everyday things, well that too, but full-blown conversations. About growing up, what it was like living with the Angels, how they helped me become who I am now.

And I’ve also found out I don’t hate falling asleep next to someone. I always hated it before, hated being touched in my sleep or someone just in bed with me, it’s why Keller never slept over. But Drew next to me? I sleep better than I ever have. It’s like he gives me this sense of calmness, peace. Something I never had in my life. Not when the Angels saved me, not even before my mother died. Sure, I had a brief moment of peace when my father was murdered and we found my mom’s body, but that didn’t last. The memories and nightmares of what happened to me still lingered. But with Drew, it’s gone, just gone.

“Tara, let’s go,” Drew shouts from somewhere in the house, causing me to roll my eyes.

I quickly pull my hair up into a bun and head out. “Keep your pants on, I’m coming,” I tell him when I get to him at the front door.

LF slinks around Drew’s legs, purring, and I shake my head, I swear that cat likes him more than me. I’ve barely seen him lately, unless he’s sleeping next to Drew.

“Not now you aren’t but tonight, trust me, you’ll be coming.” He gives me a wink, and I swear I need to run back in my room to change my panties. I’m thinking that tonight, I will finally get what I’ve been wanting. All of him.


I groan as I walk behind Drew into the house. Today was the most boring day I’ve ever had at work. Not one call out, not one crime scene. All paperwork. I suppose I could say that’s a good thing, but who wants to be bored at work?

“Tara, go shower, put on something sexy and don’t bother with makeup. You look better without all that shit anyways.”

The look he’s giving me has me wanting to just strip down right here and beg him to take me, but the other part of me is really curious to see what he has planned. Giving him a quick kiss, I go to my bathroom and hop in the shower. Setting the water temp to scalding, I grab my razor, making sure I’m all trimmed up.

When the water starts to turn cold, I realize I must have been in here for way too long and quickly start rinsing the conditioner out of my hair. Going into my room, I take a look in my closet, but from the corner of my eye I notice something on the bed next to my sleeping cat. A silk baby blue nightgown, it’s sexy without being slutty. Sure, it shows a good amount of cleavage, but it also hits my knees. Once I slip it on, I notice there is matching panties as well.

God, where on earth did Drew find the time to go out and get me something like this? It’s beautiful, and when I look in the mirror, I even feel beautiful. Giving myself a smirk in the mirror, I take the towel from my hair and start to blow dry it. I hate the feeling of wet hair against my skin.

Twenty minutes later, my hair is dry and I’m ready to face whatever it is that Drew has planned for us. I smile when I open my bedroom door. Not quite sure what food he got for us, but it smells delicious.

“Fuck,” Drew mutters the second I hit the living room and see’s me. I look around the room and holy hell, there’s candles lit up everywhere.
