Page 26 of Can't Resist You

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“Yup, more than that though, combing his bank records and shit. He is a sick freak. Frequents the Untamed’s whore houses. And is also into the Jacks Devils for coke. He’s so far in debt from that shit it isn’t funny. Credits cards are maxed out, bank is overdrawn.” She sighs, and I hear her shuffling papers around. “Then this is where it gets worse. He’s trying to find a reason to let Tara go, not because she’s bad at her job, but because he’s trying to arrange her getting picked up by the Jacks so they can get ransom for her from the Angels.”

"What the fuck?” I roar into the phone, causing LF who was just about to come to me, to startle and run away.

“He tried going to the Untamed about it, they shut him down. Seems the Untamed have family members in the Angels and said there was no way in hell that was happening, and if they found out Captain was gonna do that, they’d take him out themselves. Now it seems we have a war starting between two of the worst clubs in the country, and it’s all because of the Captain.”

“Mother fucker. This shit is whacked.” I start pacing, trying to figure out what to do with this shit. I can’t exactly take it to the Mayor since it was obtained illegally.

“I agree, it’s also why I sent everything I have over to the Angels as I was dialing your number, so they can act quickly.”

Thank god for that, plus with Tara at the Angels compound, that’s really the safest place she can be right now. “Thanks for all this, Jana. I appreciate it.”

“You can award me by taking the Captain’s position once dick face is outta there. I love chocolate. Toodles, and chat later.” She clicks off and I chuckle as I shake my head. She’s a nut. But fuck am I thankful for what she’s done.

Seconds later my phone rings, and I answer it.

“Drew? It’s Angel, got something of yours here, but as I’m sure you probably know right now you can’t have her back until a situation is resolved.” I smirk when he tells me that he has something of mine. Damn right she’s mine.

“I agree, I just got off the phone with Jana, she filled me in.”

“Good, this shit won’t take long. Reaper’s already on his way to the Captain’s house, with T-bags. Hangman and a few of his boys are meeting them there.”

“Shit, try not to make too much of a mess, and maybe you shouldn’t have told me shit. I’ll be most likely lead on the crime scene.”

“Man, no. Reaper is gonna rough him up, but the Untamed are taking that fucker to the Jacks Devils themselves. What they do, I have no damn clue, I don’t wanna know. You probably don’t wanna know. But what I’m saying is by eight am tomorrow, his job will be yours. Already had Moira send all the evidence against him to City Hall, and a recommendation for you. It will look like the Captain fled, knowing he was gonna be caught and arrested.”

That sounds good in theory, but can they really cover up what’s gonna happen?

“And don’t worry, I know how the Jacks dispose of the people they kill. Ever wonder why they have a chain of funeral parlours?” My eyes widen. Holy fuck, no wonder we’ve never been able to pin a murder on them. “Yeah. Anyways, let you go. Gotta make Tara my homemade Irish stew, said it’s her favorite and she never lets me outta making it for her when she visits. I’ll make sure to send her on her way once that fuckhead is picked up and I make sure her head on straight. Also, letting you know. I never liked that fucker Keller. Yeah, your relationship right now isn’t right, but you know what? I know you’re a good man, you wouldn’t have started this shit with her unless you were serious., Just treat her good and we won’t have issues. But you should know, when you get married, that three men will most likely be fighting over who’s walking her down to you.” He hangs up and my breath is caught in my lungs.

Married? I never even thought about that shit in my life.

But now, it’s all I’m thinking about. Tara Knight.

Fuck yeah, I can get on board with that. And I don’t even have to get a ring, since I already got my grandmother’s.

Once she’s fully rid of Keller, that ring is going on her finger.

Chapter 25


Lilly was my saving grace today. When I left the house, I drove straight to the Angel’s compound and was greeted by Angel. He told me what was going on with my Captain at the station, and it shocked the shit out of me. He left to take care of business and Lilly stormed in, looking pissed at me.

At first, I thought it was because Zippo told her what’s been going on and she was angry about the cheating. She was cheated on, hence me bracing for her to strip me raw. But she didn’t. She was pissed because I didn’t go to her about it. Or any of the other women.

She made me sit down and tell her everything, from start until today. So, I did. When I was done, she looked at me cross eyed.

“Tara, I love you, but you are dumb. You’re in love with Drew, have been since before you even knew his name, yet you still started dating the man’s best friend?”

“I know, I’m horrible.”

She shakes her head at me. “Not saying what you’re doing right now is right. It’s not. But as Reaper told you before, love is never wrong. I also agree with Drew, you can’t break up via phone, it has to be done face to face. And you know me, I’m the last person to condone cheating, but it seems to me that you and Keller aren’t in a relationship anyways. Not if he’s never been faithful to you.” She’s right. “Promise me though, the minute Keller is back, you be honest with him. No lies, and you dump him.”

“I promise.” I smile at her and she smiles back.

“Also have to say, I wish I knew about Keller from the start.” I look at her confused. “Knew of him. Do you remember Corinne and Melissa?” I nod, they were sisters that were rescued as kids, they came before me, but were here when I came. Only a few years older than me. We got along, but I wasn’t good at making friends, not until Tina at least. Pretty sure their story was worse than my own. “They have a good friend, she dated Keller all through high school, college, even a few years into him making it big.” I hold my hand up to stop her.

“Chelsea, yes, I heard today about all that mess.”
