Page 3 of Can't Resist You

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Tomorrow, I will start searching for a place that I can afford. God, this sucks so bad.

When I signed my lease here, I was ecstatic it was nice and in my price range. The cost of living here is outrageous for a decent single. I knew it was too good to be true. And now I will never find anything that will come close.

I finish off my glass of wine when my cat LF, also known as Little Fucker, comes sauntering in the kitchen. “Hey, little man.” He gives me a meow, wanting me to pet him. And I would, but I want a bath at some point tonight, and once you start petting him, he won’t let you stop. Well not without attacking you first, hence his name. “Not right now, buddy.” I move around him, and of course he just has to dart under my feet, making me trip. At least the counter was close by to help catch me from falling.Damn cat.

Making sure he’s not at my feet again, I move down the hall to start my bath. While it fills up, I go to my room to set out my pajamas and to grab a towel. Nothing worse than getting out of a shower or bath and there isn’t a towel in that bathroom because I forgot it. I know I should learn, since I do it almost daily, but I never do.

When I get back to the bathroom, I realized I left the door open. “Shit.” Of course he is. “LF, why do you have to be like this?” Asshole cat is of course, swimming in my bath water. I always thought cats hated water, but not this one, half the time he hisses at me when I let out the water in the kitchen sink after I do dishes. I go to the tub and turn the water off. I look back to the damn cat that just ruined my relaxation time, and notice he’s now purring. “Yeah, you enjoy it, you shit head.” So much for that, I pull the drain, he has until the tub is empty to enjoy his bath. I leave the door open and go back to my room, pulling my pj’s on and get into bed.

This is why I can’t have nice things. I thought getting a cat would be awesome, but seems as if I just got one of those demon cats.

Sighing, I turn on my tv and lay down, my eyes drifting shut not long after.

Chapter 2


Iget to the club and head up to the VIP area to find the guys. I spot Keller instantly and anger soars through me. I don’t get him, I really don’t. He just got ousted last year for fucking around on one of his girlfriends and knocking up the other woman. Now he has a new girlfriend and he still screws anything with legs. I’ve never been much into relationships, but still, that shit pisses me off.

The asshole still has his baby mama around, keeps her in his condo downtown, while he shacks up with me, so his new girlfriend doesn’t find out about her.

I shake my head—not my place to say shit—and make my way forward.

“Hey, man. What’s up?” Keller asks when he sees me coming. This fucker doesn’t even hide that he’s finger banging this bitch on his lap.

I lift my chin. “Hey, man. Where’s Tara tonight?” I ask, throwing it out there to see what the girl sitting on him will do.

“Who’s Tara?” the girl asks. God, she sounds like a whiny child. How Keller can get with airheads, is beyond me, doesn’t he want someone that can actually speak without sounding like a two-year-old?

“She’s nobody tonight,” he replied, grinning down at her, his hand now moving faster under her skirt. Whiny girl lights up and smiles as she moans.

Keller shoots me a dirty look for a minute and then shakes his head. He knows what I was doing, what can I say, every so often I like to cause trouble. After I learned Tara, the seductress that gave me her virginity, was my new hire at the station, I made sure we never touched again. Although I may have taken it too far, because all we ever do now is fight. I hate her, she hates me, what the fuck ever. But when she started dating my best friend, Keller, I was pissed. I wasn’t jealous, of course not, just pissed. I don’t even know why.

“How’s work going?” Keller asks.

“Good, helping out the Angels Warriors with a bust next weekend,” I say. “How’s the pre-season for the kids so far?” He’s been out of town for a few weeks, travelling around with his team, working with junior hockey league, something their team does every year before pre-season starts.

“Good, we’re hoping to get the cup this year,” he tells me. Keller has been playing hockey since he was a kid, ended up getting drafted to the NHL two years into being in College, finishing out his schooling online.

A waitress comes over to take my order and comes back quickly with my drink. Downing it, I search out the club, looking for a sure thing. I spot her, tall, confident, blonde—perfect combination.

“Fuck, man, this bitch is soaked, you wanna play?” he asks.

I shoot him a look of disgust and shake my head.

“Your loss, man. Babe, you got a friend you want to join us? In the mood for more than just your pussy.” Instead of getting pissed, like any normal woman would, she looks up and nods her head. Why am I friends with this douchebag again? Fuck.

I stand up, done with being around him. “Later, man, I'm gonna go get laid,” I tell Keller and head down to the woman who will be in my bed tonight. She’s different than what I usually take home, ever since I had Tara, I always take women home that look like her. A few times I even said her name when I came, which of course pissed them off. This one though, doesn’t look a thing like her, so there will be no mistaking a name.

I saunter up to her and she gives me a smirk. “Hey handsome, you wanna get out of here?”

I grab her around the waist. “Damn right I do.” My cock hardens in my jeans, and I grind it against her as she lets out a breathy moan.

“No names,” she whispers in my ear. Fuck yeah, perfect. I pull away from her, keeping a grip on her arm and pull her with me out the doors of the club.

“You drive here?” I ask her, so we don’t just abandon her car.

“Nope, took a cab.”
