Page 7 of Can't Resist You

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He sighs heavily and grabs my wrists, bringing me in close to him. “Babe, you already paid rent here for this month. I’ll take care of shit with Drew for this month. Please,” he pouts, staring into my eyes, his brown eyes begging mine.

I close my eyes and draw in a deep breath. “Fine, but you are in charge of heavy lifting.” I relent.

“Woo!” Keller shouts, picking me up and spinning me around. “This is like step one, Tara. Roommates, but I’m sure we’ll be in each other’s rooms every night anyways, and then we can eventually just flat out move in with each other!”

My heart sinks slightly at those words. I met Keller two and a half weeks after my one-night stand with Drew. I don’t even know what the hell I was thinking at the time, but I remember Drew and I yelling at each other, like always over stupid shit, and in walks Keller. Discovering that he was best friends with Drew made me instantly say yes when he asked me out. Ashamed to say this, but at first, I only agreed to date Keller to piss Drew off even more.

Of course, after a few weeks I started to actually like spending time with Keller. Two months later, he’s telling me he loves me, something I’ve never said back, not even now at six months into our relationship. I care about Keller, but I know without any uncertainty I’m absolutely not in love with him.

The truth of it all though, ever since I slept with Drew, I haven’t been able to stop thinking about him. I know it’s not fair to Keller, me having feelings for his best friend, but I figured over time, these stupid emotions I have for dick face Drew will go away. At least I hope so.

Keller starts kissing my neck while squeezing my ass. I know what this means, sex, and that also means disappointment. With Keller it’s always hit or miss, with it mostly being miss. And then I’m left frustrated and pissed off at having to take care of it myself.

I shove him slightly and slide down him. “Don’t start that now, we have things to do.”

He grins at me. “Yeah, like fucking your sweet hot tight cunt.” I try not to cringe, that did not sound sexy coming from his mouth.

“Nope, you need to find some boxes and some muscle besides just you and we’re gonna get packing.” I move away from him as he stares at me in shock.

“Wait, what? You’re serious? I thought we could celebrate our new living arrangements, celebrating means fucking, Tara. I’m a man, with needs, so are you gonna get on this dick?”

Is he fucking serious right now?

Glaring at him I fold my arms across my chest. “Listen up, dick shit, there is more to my day and my life than just being a hole for you to stick your dick into. Now, are we gonna get to work on shit that needs to get done or should I just keep looking for an apartment.”

He rolls his eyes. “Fine, whatever, when we’re done, we’re fucking. I’ll even do all the work.” Rolling my eyes at him, I nod.

“Whatever, get this shit done, then I’ll think about it.”

He leans into me, grabbing me around the waist. “Tara, there won’t be thinking about it at all. Soon as we get you moved; I’m pounding into your hot cunt all night. You know you love it, how wet you get, the way your cunt grips my cock.” Okay, that was sort of hot, although guilt creeps through me as I imagine it’s Drew saying those things and not Keller. “But, for now, I will make a call, and we can get this move going.” He kisses me on the forehead and goes into the hall to make his phone call.

That man is nuts, and honestly, I feel so stupid for not ending things with him. I’ll do this move, save up as much money as I can so I can get my own place, and then finally end things with Keller.

I walk off, leaving Keller to make his calls, and head to the second bedroom’s closet, where I have a few boxes I moved in with stored, and start pulling them out. LF sees me starting to tape up the bottom of the boxes and decides it’s play time. “Oh no you don’t LF, let’s get you into your carrying case so you can be out of the way.” I pick him up from the box and march to his carrier, shoving him in and throwing a couple treats at him.

“Uh Keller?” I call out, while starting at my demon cat.

“Yeah?” he shouts back.

“Did you tell Drew about Little Fucker?”

My question is followed by silence, which says it all. “Uh, no, but he won’t mind, don’t worry about it. He might even like the devil cat, especially since you named him after that dude from Game of Thrones.”

I roll my eyes, okay yes, I might have done that, but not really. I always called Little Finger, Little Fucker, so when LF came along, acting like a demon, it became his name.

“Oh, good you have boxes,” Keller states, finding me in the second bedroom. “I wasn’t sure, so Drew is bringing some along too.”

Great, that means I better go pack up my personal shit, so Drew doesn’t put his hands on that stuff. God knows the smirks and comments he’d make to me then.

“I taped up half of the boxes, why don’t you finish taping the rest up, while I start throwing things in?” I toss him the tape and scissors and head out with a few boxes to get started on my bedroom.

Chapter 6


How the fuck did I get roped into helping Tara move, I’ll never know. But here I am, armed with boxes and helping her and Keller pack shit up. I look at Keller as he comes over to me with another box and starts just tossing shit in it. “Why again am I helping with this shit? Doesn’t she have any friends?”

“She doesn’t trust many people, and only has one friend anyways, but the friend said she was busy and couldn’t help. She doesn’t really let other people in, so I’m surprised she even let me in to be honest, she was fucked up and hurt before, it’s her business, she’d probably cut my balls off if I shared her shit. And you were the only one of my friends that had nothing going on today, so that’s why you’re helping.” He tells me.
