Page 9 of Can't Resist You

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I burst out laughing when I hear his name. “That’s what I call Little Finger from Game of Thrones.”

She smirks. “Yeah, so do I. The name suited the cat too.”

Wiping my hand down my face I sigh. “Fine, LF can stay. But I ain’t cleaning the damn cat box.”

“Don’t worry Handsome, I’ll make Keller do it.” She throws me a grin and a wink and saunters back to where she came from. Fuck me, did she even realize she did that? Now I’m hard and pissed off.

“Alright LF, let's get you to my house, and we can think of ways to destroy Keller’s shit.” The mention of Keller’s name causes the little bugger to hiss. This could work even better; this cat hates him.

Oh, how much fun this will be.

Chapter 7


Living with Drew week one

This isn’t working. I’m about to reach over this damn table and shove my fork into his throat. Why we even eat together is mind boggling. I tried to tell Keller no, I was fine eating in my room, but nope. Here I am, sitting next to the goddamn open-mouthed chewer.

I’d rather sit next to a damn dog slurping from the damn water bowl; it, at least, would sound better. Finally, silence, a solid two seconds of silence before he scrapes his damn plate and proceeds to do his loud god damn chewing.

I slam my fork on the table and glare at him. “Do you have to eat like that? For fuck sake, you learn how to close your damn mouth as a baby when you eat. May as well just take away all of the utensils and let you eat like a damn dog.” I shout, standing up from the chair.

Keller looks at me as if I’ve grown another head, while from the corner of my eye Drew is trying his hardest not to laugh.

“Waaas the mattah?” Keller asks, his mouth full of food, some of it falling out.

I cover my mouth, trying not to gag. “Close your damn mouth!” I scream, sounding like I’m possessed. This is why I always eat before Keller comes around, or wait until he leaves, because I can’t handle the sound of him chewing.

He goes to speak again, and more food falls out of his mouth. “Why are you acting like a bitch?” I point at him, but I feel the vomit creeping up my throat. I bend over, dry heaving. Thank god nothing actually came up. He’s so nasty. A hand rubs my back, and I realize it’s not Keller. My skin tingles at his touch, my panties instantly getting wet. I stand up straight, no longer feeling sick, and rush from the room.

“What is wrong with me. I’m with Keller, I have to stop feeling like this about Drew,” I whisper angrily to myself once I get into my room.

It’s been a friggin week of living together, and I’m already losing my ever-loving mind. Every day this week we’ve eaten supper together, every damn day, the sound of Keller’s chewing getting worse.

It’s surprising what things I gag over and what things I don’t. Chewed food falling out of someone’s mouth? Gag. Dead bodies with insides on the outside? Nope. It’s messed up, but it is what it is. Hell, I’ve even noticed Drew turn a little green at some crime scenes, and of course I always smirk and ask him if he needs a barf bag. To which, of course, has him yelling at me to 'get the fuck back to work'.

Surprisingly though, so far, Drew’s been great to live with, but it’s friggin Keller that is driving me insane. As I change into mypajamas,I can hear Drew and Keller not that far from my bedroom door.

“What was her problem?” Keller asks.

I hear a smack. “What do you think? You eat like a pig, I don’t even like hearing or seeing that shit. But man, her reaction? Best ever.” Drew agreeing with me about something. Wow, that’s new. If I look out the window right now, will I see pigs flying, too?

“Yeah, man, she has a weak stomach, even gags over shit that happens on TV,” Keller informs him. “Don’t know how that works though, her being a cop, does she ever destroy crime scenes and shit?” Amusement floods his voice, and it makes me want to smack him myself.

“Nah man, that’s different. When we go to brutal crime scenes, she has a stronger stomach than me. Hell, half the time she’s trying to shove the coroner out of the way to get a better look. That woman has balls of steel.” Drew sounds proud. What the fuck is happening right now? “A chick who ain’t scared to get blood on their hands, you should probably remember that, man.” Did he really just threaten Keller on my behalf? I can’t think about this right now, but holy shit. Did I fall into an alternate universe?

Their voices get closer to my door, so I quickly pull up my hair and get my TV going. A few minutes later, I hear the front door shut just as a knock comes at my door. “Babe, you up?”

“Yeah,” I shout back to Keller, as he opens the door, he looks slightly sheepish.

He plays with his lip ring for a few seconds before speaking. “Sorry about uh, supper. Food was good, didn’t realize how annoying I was when I ate though.” These are the moments when I enjoy Keller, when he blushes and acts shy.

Smiling at him, I throw the covers off my bed. “Come here you loser.” That perks him up, and of course, the first thing he does when I say that is take his clothes off.

Sliding in next to me, his lips find their place on my neck and his hands roam under my shirt. “Why the fuck you wearing clothes in bed?” He quickly makes me lose my top, and the second my breasts are free, he sucks a nipple into his mouth, while his hands work to take off my pants.

The whole time he does this, I have to force myself to think of what Keller is doing to me. As he starts to finger me, trying to get me wet, LF jumps on his back.
