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“Dirty.” She whimpers out.

“Say my name when I’m inside you.” Thrusting faster, I balance on my forearms to take in her beautiful face, her head full of curls surrounding her. All mine.

“Samuel!” she shouts as I feel her release and I quickly follow after her when she calls out my name. I will never get tired of having her as mine.

Panting, I settle on top of her, my weight probably crushing her tiny frame, but I don’t care.

“Dirty?” She asks.

“Yeah babe.” She asks from under me.

“Can I clean up now?”

Laughing I finally shrug off my shirt and toss it to her. “Yeah babe, but I’m joining you. We’re not done yet.” That was fast, too fast.

Chapter 8


Ilay panting on mybed after all the wonderful things Dirty just did to me. It was way better than what happened at the clubhouse, sweet and gentle, yet rough and ‘dirty’, like his name. “I need a smoke.” I don’t smoke in my house, it’s my number one rule. Kinda ruins the paint and resale value.

He smirks. “Thought so, got one ready for you.” He hands me my smoke and lighter as I sit up in bed and he throws a robe over me.

“When did you become a gentleman?” I smirk at him.

“When I landed you, finally.” Why does him being so sweet turn me on so much. We head out together to my back deck and I light up. I’m trying to quit but it seems sex and drinking cause me to need my nicotine.

After I just about finish, a voice scares me, and I knock over my ashtray. “Shit.”

“Anara, why are you with him?” Jared.

“Jared, I know this looks bad, but I can explain. Well I can’t really, but I can say that what we had is now over.” Fuck I feel like I’m rambling. “You’re great, really, but It’s always been Dirty for me, some part of you knew that too.” The first time I was with Jared I accidentally called Dirty’s name, not that I’ll ever repeat that to anyone or admit it other than to myself, but we ended up talking about it and working it out. He knows he’s someone that I have had feelings for, for a while. He’s the only one that really knew. I felt like I could talk to him about anything.

Dirty is tense when he puts an arm around my waist. “You need to back off.”

This was something we really should have talked about before we fell into bed together. Because something’s up, I can feel it.
