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His head down and he rubs the back of his neck as I quickly slip into my house, shutting and locking the door before he tries to let himself in. His face comes to the glass of my door and he just stares at me. His hauntingly beautiful grey eyes feel as if they are piercing into my soul. “This isn’t over Anara.”

I shut off the back light, so I don’t have to see him anymore and walk upstairs to my bedroom. I don’t understand why he’s so obsessed with me. We literally had one date, and it was just after I moved to town.

Walking out of my shift at the grocery store I walk straight to my car and see a man leaning against it. For shit’s sake. I can’t catch a break with this guy. “Sam, what are you doing?” We’ve gone over this so many times I just don’t have the energy anymore.

“You know what I want.” He says all cocky, as usual. “Just one date Anara, one date and if it really is shit, I’ll never ask you again.”

Narrowing my eyes at him, I see that he’s serious. “Fine, one date, and it starts now.” I point to the steak joint down the street. “I want a nice steak, let’s go.”

I open my car, tossing my work gear in the back seat and pull my hair out of its ponytail. Giving my head a shake I notice Sam checking me out the whole time. When he holds out a hand, my brows lift, he seriously wants to hold hands?

Smirking I place my hand in his. “So, first date, what do people normally do on first dates?” he asks.

I don’t know if he’s serious or not, but I answer him anyway. “They have dinner, sometimes go to a movie, then home. Usually ends with a kiss at the door and that’s it.”

His hand squeezes mine, a little painfully. “You mean I’m not getting in there tonight?”

“Nope.” I say, popping the ‘p’. he grumbles under his breath the entire rest of the way to the steak joint about having blue balls. Already this date is going to shit.

Then of course that followed by him flirting with the hostess, watching her slip him her number and him pocketing it. Then the same with the waitress when I excused myself to go to the bathroom, when I came back, I took my chances and took off when the woman was practically in his lap. He didn’t even notice I was gone for an entire hour until he showed up at my house and demanded to know what the fuck. Instead I slammed the door in his face and told him to stay away from me. Of course, that never happened, and he still bugs the hell out of me.

The little moments we had over the years though, were great, I saw another side of him. Watching him play with Melissa’s kids has been adorable and I know he’d make a great father, but I’m just not sure if he could be the man for me. Not with how that club is run. Not that I would know a lot about it, but you hear things around town. Selling pussy, drugs, guns, if it’s illegal they do it. Plus I hear that a lot of the members share their Old Ladies and that’s not something I’m down with.

Chapter 3


Fuck. I feel like punchingher door in, but that wouldn’t get me anywhere. That would just have her more pissed at me. What the fuck is her damn problem? I don’t shit where I eat, unlike Hangman, I wouldn’t fuck any other bitch around here if I were in a relationship with Anara. That’s what the road is for.

I never ran a full background check on Anara, just the basic criminal check, which came back clean. But the shit she spewed tonight; I’m going all the way back. If I have to hire a PI Pig, I will. Walking back around her house I get on my bike and start it up. Looking down the street I notice a car, the same car that was sitting in her damn driveway when I pulled up. Didn’t that fucker leave? Something ain’t right about him, looks like I’ll have to check him out too.

No way in fuck is that prick taking what’s mine. I give no fucks as I drive past him, staring right at the shit stain as I leave Anara’s street.

Pulling up to the clubhouse, I quickly shut down my bike and go in search of a few brothers that could help me out.

“Yo, prospect, Manic and Wiz around?”
