Page 13 of Hangman Untamed

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I’m not a Suzy homemaker, or a pushover, I’m a bad-ass bitch, I always have been but somewhere, somehow, over the years, I’ve changed into a shadow of myself. I quickly run to my bedroom and notice Tomas has started moving his things out. Going to the closet, I pull out one of my favourite outfits—ripped hipster jeans and a My Chemical Romance tee shirt.

I look in the mirror and my piercings and hair match my clothes better this way. As of this moment I’m going to stop being who I felt Tomas wanted and start acting like myself again. Somewhere over the years, I changed. I love myself, of course, but I miss the me that didn’t give a fuck about anyone—the wild, party girl. Tomas, while he does like to have fun on most occasions with me, doesn’t exactly enjoy any of the same things I do anymore. He just puts up with it for me.

Leaving the room after one last look in the mirror, I head to the entry way to see Tomas and his lady friend in a discussion. He takes her coat and I notice she’s nothing like me. She’s prim and proper and suits Tomas much better.

“Hey, you must be the Justine that Tomas has told me about, I’m Sharon.” What a ridiculously boring name. I give her a fake smile and shake her hand back.

“Nice to meet you. Tomas just sort of sprung this on me today, so I hope you don’t mind a last-minute-style meal.” Chicken and fries are always the best go-to meals for last-minute things.

Her bright smile has dimmed, and she looks to Tomas questionably. He has the audacity to blush and gives me a heated look, a look that screams ‘please don’t screw this up for me.’ My bad, bro. I laugh to myself.

“I actually plan on going out tonight, I haven’t been out since I got here, and I heard there is a bar downtown I should check out.” It’s been almost two weeks since Tomas and I had our breakup chat, and it doesn’t hurt, which in a way, confuses me. Because we’ve been a couple for so long, you’d think that this would kill. But it doesn’t.

“Okay, this seems a little awkward, I just want to know that this is okay. Tomas said you guys are in an open relationship, but you just broke up, and you don’t seem like a broken-up couple.”

I smile, “Tomas and I will always be best friends. We grew up together and will always be number one to each other. Just because we’re broken up now doesn’t mean anything. It doesn’t change who we are to each other.”

Her eyes flash, something I said she doesn’t like. Well. tough luck for her. If she thinks she can walk into our lives and become Tomas’s only, she’s got another thing coming. How could Tomas like someone like her? Sure, I’m not seen as his type, but I also don’t think bitch is his type either.

Tomas leads Sharon to the dining room and comes back to me. “What was that?” he hisses. And I narrow my eyes at him.

“I was being honest with her, that’s it. She obviously didn’t like what she heard. That’s not on me, that’s on her.” I cross my arms over my chest and just stare at him.

He sighs and runs a hand through his shaggy, brown hair. “I’m sorry, I just really like her, and I guess I didn’t think about your feelings in this. You didn’t say anything wrong, but it’s not what other woman want to hear when they want to date a guy.”

I shrug. “I’m not here to sugar-coat shit, and I won’t do it for anyone, not even you.”

“I get it. Let’s get through dinner and hopefully, we can salvage the evening.”

Sighing, I link my arm in his and we go to the dining room. This night is going to be a long one.

Chapter Eleven


Finished with Emily’sbedtime routine, I tuck her in and grab my phone, going outside for a joint.
