Page 17 of Hangman Untamed

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“When do I get a turn, Hangman? I’ve missed you,” says a blonde with okay-sized tits. Fuck, when was the last time I fucked? Was Shannan really the first in almost a year? Damn. I tap her pussy, and wink.

“Soon, Darlin.” She walks away with a sigh and grabs hold of Gunner then leads him to the pool table. Turning around, I walk down the hall and into my office.

Justine pissed me off last night, and I needed an outlet. Shannan, thankfully, gave me that outlet. And fuck, was it worth it.

“Yo, Hangman, what was up with the bitch from last night?” Decker, another brother, asks coming up to me as I enter my office.

“Bitch is mine, just doesn’t know it yet.”

“You gonna bring her to the next party?”

Shaking my head, I rub my beard. “Too soon for that, she might be mine, but I don’t want to scare her off completely. The party where I claim her will have to wait until I at least have a first date with her.”

“You’re going soft, old man, since when do you wine and dine a woman?”

“Since I lost Vicky and took Melissa in.” It’s true, I’ve grown soft, but sometimes women need that soft, romantic shit. And I don’t want to lose another woman because of my dickish ways.

“You know, the bitch looks like a young Vicky, right? I didn’t see it at first, because she’s tatted and has funky-coloured hair, but when I took a step back, I saw it,” he grunts out. “Are you okay with that? Or are you wanting the bitch because she looks like Vicky?”

I have to think a moment before I answer. Because he’s not wrong but he’s also not completely right either. Something about Justine is different from Vicky. Sure, they have the same facial features, and their voices sound similar but Justine is also the definition of a biker bitch. I can’t quite put my finger on it. And I tell Decker just that.

“Be careful with her, I have a feeling if she finds out she about her birth father, and that you knew, that’s just asking for trouble.”

“Don’t worry about my love life, get your own,” I growl at him; fucker thinks he can tell me shit?

He throws his hands up in front of him. “Didn’t mean anything by it, Pres, just stating facts. That’s all.”

“You worry about your own pussy-ass bitch at home, I’ll worry about Justine.”

Justine is about to learn not to mess with me, because when I see her for our date, whether she wants it or not, I’m claiming her. Decker was right, I’m getting too soft. Hangman is coming back, and everyone better watch the fuck out.

Chapter Fourteen


“You about done in there?” Tomas calls to me from my bedroom.
