Page 2 of Hangman Untamed

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He spits blood out at me and barely misses. Fucker. The last time I did any real torture was years ago, when my daughter Melissa’s, mother showed up in town. That bitch kept her hidden from me for years, so she got what she deserved. Hearing about how that bitch tortured Melissa and her half-sister Corinne didn’t sit right with me, so I made sure she felt every bit of that pain.

Having Melissa in my life changed me, you’d think already having a daughter with a club slut would have, but I have to admit I haven’t been the best father. Had no interest in the girl, my youngest daughter. Melissa brought something out of me; maybe my need to protect her, and my grandchildren. With her in my life, everything changed. I no longer was the man that I once was and I’ve been getting shit from the guys about it. Melissa was soft, she needed me to be gentle with her and I tried, I tried to be what she needed. But now with her moved out and married Slammer—an ex-member of the Untamed—now I can get back to who I really am.

I’m sick of being called soft. And with the shit happening around my club lately, it’s time I came back out to play.

This latest mess all started because Anara wasn’t forthcoming about her past; she was involved with a member of Jack’s Devils before moving here. I would have understood if she didn’t keep it hidden. Although, the fault lies with me as I should have done a check on her myself when she came to town—something I do with all people that interact with my club.

Only reason she’s not still up, hanging from my rafters, is because I believed her, and, of course, Dirty brought me the DEA agent that’s been sniffing around the club. I walk over to my work bench and pull out my favourite knife. Blade hasn’t been used on someone since I took care of the bitch that gave birth to Melissa.

Shit in my past ain’t pretty, but I got two great kids out of it. I wasn’t there for either kid as they grew up, but at least I’m there now. I discovered Melissa five years ago. Never knew she existed until my ex-wife revealed it to me. Something about getting to know Melissa changed me, she made me become a better person, a better man, a better father. Since she came into my life, I even got to know my other daughter Emily better, too. Something April despises since I won’t pay a lick of attention to her.

April was just a club whore I slept with one too many times who wound up knocked up and became too attached. Just because she had my kid doesn’t mean shit to me. If that bitch ain’t careful she’ll end up like Melissa’s mother, Luanne. Dead.

Bitch died because I found out she was abusing Melissa and kept my girl from me her entire twenty-two years of life. I was eighteen when I slept with that drugged-up cunt. Too stupid to have known better. If it wasn’t for my ex-wife Vicky, I still never would have known about my adult daughter. I kidnapped Vicky after searching for months for her. I finally found her holed up with the Angels Warriors, a club that is focused on rescuing kids and women from abuse. When I brought her to my house, she revealed I had a daughter, and, of course, that my dead brother was actually alive. Knowing Trevor was my ex-wife’s first love—only love—I let her go. My focus turned to my adult daughter that suddenly, needed me.

Going back to the agent, I grip my knife and slowly rub it against his face. “Why are you sniffing around my club?”

“I’m not gonna tell you shit, so just kill me.”

I step back, fighting a grin, “What would the point be in just killing you? We have so much fun planned.” Like hell we’d just kill this guy. Wiz and Manic are working on this asshole’s details first, getting all the information we can on him.

“Pres, Wiz, and Manic have shit for ya,” one of the prospects calls through the door.

Sighing, I stab my knife into this pissant’s leg and walk out of the room to the sound of his screams.

Chapter Two


Unpacking the lastbox, I sigh in relief. I hate moving and I swear to God this is the last damn time. I needed to get away from my overprotective, over-obsessed mother, and when Tomas was offered a teaching position here, and asked me to move with him, I couldn’t have said yes faster.

My parents had just separated, and it was all my mother’s fault. We never had the greatest of relationships as I was growing up, and as an adult, she tried to make up for it by being overbearing to the point it was driving a wedge between Tomas and I. Couldn’t even go out on a date night without her getting upset she wasn’t invited. She would punish me by not calling, not texting—thinking it was a punishment—for weeks at a time if I didn’t include her in date nights, or watch a movie with her. I’m an adult, so I don’t understand her logic.

Then it came out that she was cheating on my father, and I knew I had to cut her out of my life; the toxicity she let off was too much and I knew I was done with it all. I put up with her abuse my entire life. She was psychically abusive when I was a child, but once I hit seventeen, it was all about manipulation. Hell, when I told my dad that I was moving, he packed up and followed us. He found a house a few streets over from where Tomas and I now live. It was easy for him to move, as he now had nothing holding him back. He often went out to Alberta for months at a time with his job, so instead, he just got transferred here.

Tomas is great, although I never thought we’d be together this long, we’ve been best friends since we were in kindergarten, and started actively dating when we hit high school. We’re as opposite as they come. I’m a smoker, meat eater, and I’m all tattooed and pierced, while his skin is clean and he refuses to put anything into his body that isn’t organic. People always stop to stare at us while we’re out, but I don’t pay any mind to it. Could be because of my crazy-coloured hair, or could be because we don’t look like we suit each other.
