Page 21 of Hangman Untamed

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“You sharing this one brother, or she just yours?” the man asks him.

“Justine is mine. She’s not ready to be my old lady yet, but this is a show of power to the others. Gunner almost had her and I’m not letting that shit happen again,” Hangman growls out.

The man claps him on the shoulder and saunters off.

“Tonight, I make you mine. But as we grow into what I’m hoping we’ll grow into, you’ll be back here to get tatted up, marking you as mine for the world to see,” Hangman tells me.

This was not how I thought tonight was going to end. I thought we’d make out, go to his place, have sex. Not have sex in front of a clubhouse full of bikers and bitches. I watched enoughSons of Anarchyto know a few things, it’s where I get most of my inspiration for my books from. That and I read a lot of biker books, too; Author Glenna Maynard is a favourite of mine.

Cheers ring around the room as Hangman stares at my naked body, hunger in his eyes. I focus on only him, because if I focus on anything else, I won’t be able to do this. And I have a feeling being told no isn’t the right way to go about things tonight.

Not in a clubhouse full of bikers that probably wouldn’t hesitate to put a bullet in me.

Hangman unbuttons and unzips his pants and grabs my leg, running a hand up the length of it. While his other hand works his cock, his long, thick,piercedcock. Holy hell, I’ve always wanted to fuck a pierced dick and now the first time I do, it’s going to be in a room full of people.

I bite my bottom lip, my nerves starting to get the best of me, and before I can protest against this, he starts to nudge me open, his cock breaking into me. I gasp at the feeling, holy hell. “Condom?” I moan out, suddenly feeling daring.

“No, never with you.” He grunts, slamming completely inside me. Good thing I’m on birth control and have always used condoms, even with Tomas. “Never with you,” he says, picking up his movements. I wish my hands were free, so that I could touch him. Instead, this feels so clinical.

I moan as I feel his cock hit my cervix. Shit, Tomas could never even manage doing that, no matter what position we tried it in. This is a first for me. And shit, it feels amazing.

“Mine,” Hangman growls, his pace getting faster, his grip on my legs tight. Before I know it, I’m screaming out an orgasm while Hangman keeps roughly slamming into me, unrelenting.

My world spins, and I peek around us, noticing all the men leering at my body. Women look pissed, at least the ones that are paying attention, the ones that aren’t are on their knees in front of a few men, sucking them off.

Hangman finally roars and I feel him coming inside of me. He’s panting, as he finishes and backs away from me. The man from earlier comes over and grins while looking down at my oozing pussy.

“Deed’s done, let’s party!” he shouts to the room, and everyone cheers. I’m helped out of the shackles and placed on my feet. Hangman gives me my clothes back and I quickly dress back in them. “Can I go clean up now?”

He shakes his head. “Like knowing my cum is leaking outta you, proves your mine.” I take a peek around the room and realize I’m the only woman clothed here.

“What’s up with all the nudity?” Not that I mind, it’s just a little unnerving at the moment.

“Way of the club,” Hangman tells me, leading me to the bar.

We pass the blonde that has been glaring daggers at me since I arrived, and she sneers at me. What’s her deal?

“Hangman?” she pouts when he doesn’t acknowledge her, which, of course, has her glaring at me again.

“Rage.” Hangman gestures to the man that has been around us most of the evening. “Have a talk with Shannan, she’s not getting what this shit was.”

“On it, Pres,” he says and takes off to the glaring blonde. I watch the interaction. She pales and shakes her head and quickly walks away.

I’d ask what that was about, but I have a feeling I’ll just be told ‘club business.’

Tonight definitely didn’t start out the way I thought it would, but you’d think with all the biker books I’ve written, I would have thought of this.

Hangman orders me a drink, giving me no say and tells me to drink up.

“When you’re done with that, we’re going to my room, I’m nowhere near done with you.”

My pussy clenches at that, his husky voice giving me shivers.
