Page 30 of Hangman Untamed

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“I’ve been going out, to be honest, random dates. Nothing good yet, but I’ve been trying,” he says sheepishly, taking a seat on his chair.

“Oh dates, how fun,” I say excitedly. “You should just set up a dating profile online, and go from there, if you’re trying to find dates via Tinder, then you won’t be let down every time.”

“How would you know that? You’ve only been with me, and now the biker guy.” He raises a brow.

Rolling my eyes, “Did you forget about the time we were looking for a third for a threesome? And when we met up, we were totally catfished.”

“Oh yeah, forgot about that.” I laugh at him and shake my head. “Anyway, how’s things been with him?”

“Good, we’ve spent the last week either together or just talking on the phone. He told me about his past, even the most unpleasant things, I’m slightly worried, though.”

“Oh?” he furrows his brow.

“Well, he’s a known cheater. Nothing wrong with not being monogamous, but only if both parties are happy with that, and his ex-wife sure wasn’t.” It’s been running through my head since he told me, and part of me worries that he’s doing it to me.

Tomas whistles, “Yikes, yeah, and I know how you feel about cheaters. You won’t even write redemption stories for cheaters in your books anymore.” He’s right, ever since it came out that my mother cheated on my dad, I haven’t been able to do it anymore. Writing redemption stories about assholes that cheated was my best work, my biggest sellers. And now I can’t even do it. “Does he know about your past?”

“No, we haven’t gotten that far yet, he did say he already ran a check on me, though. He does it to everyone that moves into his neighborhood. I don’t know what he found, but I think he knows. I just don’t know how to talk about it to him yet.”

“There will be a time and a place for it, it’ll happen. He gave you his ugly story, now it’s your turn.”

“Yeah, you’re right. Anyway, I’m glad you’re okay, you had me worried when I couldn’t get in touch with you. Don’t do it again.” He stands up, pulling me out of the chair and into his arms, hugging me. “I’m having supper with dad tonight, if you’d like to join us?”

Releasing me, he shakes his head no. “You haven’t told him about us yet, have you?”

I blush, shit, no. “Um, no, I haven’t. But I’m telling him tonight.”

“Good, and you know your dad is gonna shit a brick when he finds out how old your new man is.”

I groan, “Yeah, that’s going to be a fun conversation. Not. But I think dad will be okay once he meets him,” I say hopefully.

“Your dad still doesn’t like me.”

“Oh, that’s a lie, you know he loves you.”

“Sure, he does, it’s why he glares at me every time we’re in the same room, and he only talks to me if you’re around.”

Okay, he’s sort of right, but dad is awesome, and loves who I love. I think he’ll be okay with Carson, and maybe he’ll stop glaring at Tomas so much. Because that is true, he does glare. I grin and head out, saying goodbye and start getting ready for the restaurant dad is taking me to.

Now all I need is luck, luck that dad will be okay with these new changes in my life.
