Page 34 of Hangman Untamed

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“She ready?”

April nods, “Can we talk?”

“Not anything to talk about unless somethings up with Emily.”

“Hangman, stop being like this. You and I were good together. You have to see that. We made a beautiful child.”

“Yeah, Emily is amazing, just as amazing as Melissa.” Hearing my oldest daughter’s name has April flinching. I’m not sure why but the bitch has had a hard-on over the fact that I have another child not from her.

“You’re dating? You never date, and if you are dating, it should be me. As the mother of your child, I need it to be me.”

“Look, bitch, keep this shit up, I’m taking Emily and you’ll never see her again. You got shit messed-up in your head. I’m sick and tired of women like you laying claim to me, something you never fuckin’ had.”


“And I’m not ‘dating,’ I have a woman. She’s mine, she’ll be claimed soon. That’s all you need to know.”

“You keep it up with her, and I’ll ruin her,” April threatens.

“I’d like to see you try, bitch.” I get in her face, listening out for Emily. “You even breathe in her direction, and I’ll put a bullet in your fucking face, you got me?”

She swallows harshly and nods.

“I mean it, April. This is the last time you see me, too. From now on a third party will be doing the pick-ups and drop-offs with Emily. I see you even once, you’re done, it will be the last time you ever see anyone again.”

“Emily,” she calls out shakily, “Dad’s here for you.”

“Coming!” Emily shouts from upstairs.

“As of now, I’m done paying for this place. You only got it because of her. Emily has a home with me, so if you can’t get a job and your own place, well tough, fucking luck. I’m done with all your bullshit.”

“What? You can’t do that, you own this house outright, it’s a home for your child.”

“I’ll do whatever I damn well please, and as I said, Emily has a home with me if you can’t get one of your own.” I stare at her, wondering why the fuck I ever actually stuck my dick in her and sneer. “You have a month, that’s being generous.”

When I say I’m done with this bitch, I mean it. I want her out of my life completely but with Emily that’s never gonna fully happen unless she pisses me off enough to end her life. Then, I’ll have no issues with it.

My phone chimes in my pocket and I realize it’s my burner phone. “Give me ten,” I tell April and step outside.


“Boss man, that cop we tortured for weeks, well we dropped him where you said. The Jack’s Devils just dropped him back.” Wiz tells me.

“Okay, and...?”

“Well, he’s missing a fucking head. He’s been displayed at the gate.”

“Fuck, get it cleaned up and shit, I have plans tonight, you know this.”

“Yeah, brother, I know, but wanted you to know, too, in case you get interrupted by the fucking cops or something. This shit wasn’t quiet, it was done in sun, and you know there are eyes everywhere.”

“Just get it cleaned up and stick him in the vat of acid in the shed. Cops can’t do shit if there isn’t proof.” Though, if someone saw the body, the cops will be at our doorstep first thing in the morning. Good thing we keep a tight ship at the clubhouse, and they can’t stick anything to us. Not for lack of trying.

I hang up and turn back around, waiting for my kid. When she comes out, she smiles at me. And my heart softens. I give her a grin of my own and we get into the truck.

“Are we going to sissy’s house, dad?” Emily asks. I love that she and Melissa get along so well.

“Yeah, kid, and I’m going to introduce you to someone that means a lot to me. I want you to be nice to her, okay?”
