Page 41 of Hangman Untamed

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Carson follows me home, not even giving me a little bit of space, the rat bastard wouldn’t let me come until I admitted I was his. Fuck it was hot, but I’m not his. And I made that clear when we were done screwing each other’s brains out in the alley.

But oh no, not Carson “Hangman” Lewis. He just told me to shut my mouth and escorted me to my car, then went to his bike, which was parked directly in front of my car. Ugh, men.

Getting out of my car, I slam the door shut and see Tomas’ outside light flick on and him looking out the door. “Everything okay?” he calls out.

I wave him off. “Fine, just caveman issues!” I shout back at him.

He laughs and tells me to have a good night. The jerk. I see Carson give him a chin lift as he gets off his bike and follows behind me, closely. His heat at my back, I angrily go through my purse to find my keys, that I dumbly put in my purse as I got out of the car. Why I did that I’ll never know; never exactly said I was the smartest person around.

Carson takes my purse from me, looks inside, and pulls the keys out, inserting them into the lock and pushing the door open. I glare at him, snatching my purse back and shove through the door.

“Why you think you can roar into my life and take over, is beyond me,” I grumble, walking straight to my room, not caring if he follows me or not.

He does.

“I didn’t realize your bedroom would be,” he comments. My bedroom is my space, my beautiful, goth dream.

“I love it, it’s my favourite place in the whole house.”

“When you move into my place, I’ll let you change our bedroom,” he says offhandedly.

“Dude, what the fuck? You’re going warp speed again and I already said we’re not exclusive. Moving in means exclusive.” I finish changing and slip on my pj pants and a tank.

Carson starts stripping. Great, that means he’s staying, I think sarcastically to myself.

“I’m not arguing about this anymore. You’re mine, I’m yours, that’s all there is to it. Never felt jealous in my fucking life, and tonight, you made me lose all sense. You’re lucky I didn’t just straight up shoot the fucker that you were with.”

“You’re crazy,” I say breathlessly.

“Tomorrow night, we’re going out and having dinner with me and my kids. I admit, I am moving too fast, but when I see something I want, I work at it until it’s mine and never let it go. You’d best learn that now because you’re not going anywhere, Justine. I don’t plan on being done with you, so shut your mouth and just accept that you’re mine.” He turns away from me, tugging the light off and climbs into bed on the left side. Okay, so we’re about to have another fight, because the left side is my side.

“Get in,” he says, pulling back the blankets.

Shaking my head. “Nope, you’re on my side.”

“I’m on the side closest to the door. Someone comes in, they get me first, get in.” Oh my god, how flippin’ sweet is that? Instead of fighting him, I just climb in on the right side and cuddle into him. I’m exhausted as shit, not realizing how late it is. Soon enough, I fall asleep to the beat of Carson’s heart.
