Page 72 of Hangman Untamed

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Ibarely slept lastnight, thinking about going over to Justine’s the entire time. This morning, I make coffee and am sitting on my front porch when the neighbor comes over in a storm. “You been fucking my wife?” he snarls at me.

Standing up, I glare at him, arms crossed after placing my cup on the little table by my seat. “Haven’t fucked your woman in almost eight months.” I decide to be honest with him.

“You want me to fuck your woman?” he shouts, pointing down the street towards Justine’s house. I move forward and he backs away, looking scared.

“If you kept your bitch on a leash, she wouldn’t have been servicing my cock at all.”

“Fuck you!” he shouts and storms back to his house. Fucking drama everywhere. Thank fuck Justine didn’t witness that scene or it would have been more ammunition against me. I give it no more thought as he slams the door to his house shut.

Fucker should be pleasing his wife, not out at my clubs getting his dick wet with other bitches. Fuck, he’s just as bad as me. I need to clean house, get a meeting together with Jennifer and find out about anymore problem bitches.

I look to Justine’s house again and take off on my bike to the apartment building I own and house the bitches at. Getting into the building, I go to Jennifer’s door. She’s probably just getting home after cleaning up the strip club and knock on her door.

“Hangman?” she asks wearily.

“We need a chat.” She lets me in, and I look around, she doesn’t have much.

“What’s this about? Is everything okay?” she asks, taking a seat on her couch.

“I want a list of names of girls you think are problematic, I want to clean house and I can’t do that if I don’t know the bitches.”

“Um, sure, okay, but why the sudden change?”

“Trying to be a better man, want to make sure the bitches here know their place and that’s doing the job they were hired for.”

“Okay, I have a few names that I know are problematic, we also got a few new girls, and I gave everyone your new list of rules. A few were upset that they couldn’t go out of their way to seduce anyone anymore. The rest were okay with it.”

I nod, as she writes down some names and hands me the list. I don’t recognize most of these names, but a name that surprises me is Penny. “Why’s Penny on here?”

“She’s the most upset about the new rules, she has a thing for Gunner.” She shrugs.

“I’ll have a talk with them, are they all home?”

“Yeah, they all got back late, but they’re here.”


After going through the list and getting rid of the girls that were upset about the changes, I finally make it to Penny’s door.

When she opens it, she looks shocked, hair dishevelled as if she’d been sleeping. “Need a chat. Heard you were unhappy with the changes in the club.”

“Yeah, what of it? I’ll still follow the rules, but don’t mean I ain’t pissed about them.”

“If you’re so unhappy you can go somewhere else,” I state.

Her eyes widen, “No, this is my home, it’s always been my home. Since I was fifteen.”

Fuck me, I didn’t realize that she was that young when she came here, which means she lied to me about her age. Fuck. “I’ll set you up somewhere nice, give you a chance to start over.”

“Hangman, no, please, I can’t lose my only home.”

“You won’t lose your home. You’ve been part of the club for twenty years, but you’re just a club girl. I just want something better for you.”

She sniffles and wipes at her eyes. “Is this because I caused problems between Gunner and his woman?”

I shake my head no. “He hasn’t said shit to me, but I would think you’d know better than to get in between a brother and his woman.”

“With you, sure, you’re open about it. Rage, too. But Gunner never even hinted he had a woman, until I saw them together at dinner the other night and I caused a scene. I thought he wanted me, turns out I’m just like the rest of the girls around here.”
