Page 19 of Rage Untamed

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“She’s at work right now but will be home within the hour. Why don’t you guys take this time to get settled in and I’ll order something for supper tonight?”

“I want McDonald’s!” Nick and Kyle both shout.

Weston groans and Kara remains quiet. “What about you two?”

Weston and Kara look to each other and smile. At the same time, they both say, “Pizza!” I chuckle, I could probably do both.

“How about I ask Jennifer what she wants, and then we can decide. If we’re tied, I’ll just order both.”

“Yay!” Kara smiles at me.

Everyone climbs out of my truck, and I help Kara down, when I walk inside, I realize that Jennifer is already home with Gunner sitting on the couch next to her. Her head’s tilted back and she’s laughing. “What’s going on here?” Jealousy fills me, and not for the first time, concerning Jennifer.

Jennifer’s head snaps to the side so fast I’m surprised she doesn’t have whiplash and she gives me a timid smile. I know Gunner’s had her, as have most of the men in the club, but that changes now. Jennifer is mine. And for the time being, she’s mine alone.

“Good day at work?” I decide to ask.

Jennifer shakes her head slightly. “Found out one of the prospects has been stealing from the bar, so I had to deal with that. And then I had to start interviewing some new girls for waitress positions.”

“Kids are undecided for supper tonight, half want pizza, half want burgers,” I tell her, after giving Gunner a chin lift, letting him know he can take off. He does...good. I want family time tonight.

“Oh, there is a new place downtown that sells both, why don’t I place an order?” she asks hesitantly. She hasn’t looked at the kids yet, but I see hesitation there, too.

“Go for it, kids, write down what you want so Jennifer can order.”

“Okay.” They shout as they take off for their rooms. I had this house built after Weston was born, it’s bigger than Hangman’s place by at least double. Enough rooms to have more kids that’s for sure. I wonder if Jennifer has looked around yet.

“You have a chance to tour the place?”

“No, I just got home maybe ten minutes before you. And when I left, I only saw the bedroom, kitchen and living room.”

“After we eat, I’ll give you a proper tour then. House is huge, hate for you to get lost.” I pull her in for a hard, but quick, kiss and tell her to pull up the website for the new place she was talking about.

“Here’s the menu if you want to take a look. I’m not picky, so I can easily find something once everyone has given me their list.”

“Kids, come here!” I shout and I hear running of feet coming down the stairs. I take the laptop from Jennifer and put it on the coffee table. “Pen and paper, West. You guys write down what you want from this place.”

“Oh, I’ve been wanting to try this place out, I heard they have great pizza,” West says grabbing pen and paper from the junk drawer in the kitchen, that’s just off the living room.

He writes down a meat pizza for himself, and a pepperoni and onion pizza for Kara. Kyle and Nick take their time looking at all the choices and decide on burgers and fries. I decide to go for a little of everything, pizza and a burger.

Jennifer raises a brow when she sees what I wrote down. “Hungry?” her lips twitch.

I move away and let her place the order. “Do I need to pick it up?”

“Nope,” she says, popping the p. “They deliver.”

“Wait, how much is delivery?”

“Five bucks.”

“Just call it in and I’ll pick it up, by the time you pay delivery, and then tip it’s almost fifteen bucks extra, that’s just wasteful.” My lip curls up thinking about the extra money she was willing to spend.

Jennifer reaches for her purse and my eyes follow her movements. “I don’t carry cash, but I can give you my pin if you want,” She says, going through her wallet.

“What are you on about, you don’t pay for my kids or I to eat, ever. And when you’re with me, for yourself either.”

She chews on her bottom lip before finally putting her wallet away. “Kyle, you want to come with me to get food?”
