Page 20 of Rage Untamed

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“Yeah, dad. Nick wants to come, too.” That’s fine with me, the more to help carry it all the better. Nick and Kyle are the same age, at ten. I slept with both their mothers on the same night and boom, a month later, they were both walking into the clubhouse with pregnancy tests.

Not sure what fucking happened there, but we found out a batch of birth control the bitches were taken were swapped out for placebos. We immediately ran tests on every bitch in the apartments to make sure no one else was knocked up. I was just the unlucky fuck that managed to do it.

We head out to my Chevy and take off for food, chatting the whole way there about how fun it will be to live together finally.

Finally have my boys and my girl living in my house. Now Jennifer...can’t get much better than that.

Chapter fourteen


Istare at the doorRage just walked out. He left me alone with two of his kids and didn’t even say something about it. Kara, his little girl comes bouncing over and smiles at me. This is the first time I haven’t gotten glares or kicks to the shins. They all seem to be happy.

“Jenny, can you do my hair, please?” Kara asks handing me a brush and a ponytail piece before turning her back to me.

“Want do you want, baby?” I ask her and start brushing her hair.

“Just a low ponytail; my mom doesn’t know how to do hair and daddy isn’t much better.” She giggles.

I make quick work of getting all her hair into my hand and putting it in a low ponytail. “There, all done.” I declare, proud of myself for accomplishing this without hurting her head. I’m rough on my own, so I was worried about knots and things.

“You’re the best!” she says, turning around and throwing herself at me to give me a hug. My body stiffens and I hesitantly hug her back.

She takes off running after letting me go and I notice Rage’s son Weston, whom I just realized is named after his father, staring at me. I swallow thickly, he’s made it known before what he thinks of me, so I wonder how this is going to go.

“I want to apologize,” he starts, stepping into the room. “Never hated you, just hated that you didn’t seem to want my dad when he has been obsessed with you for as long as I’ve been alive.”

Those words shock me to my core. Yes, I’ve been with Rage for years, sort of. Whenever he came through town—the first time was fifteen years ago. Weston is now fourteen, so wow. Rage has really wanted me that long?

Now that he has me, will those feelings change?

I give Weston a tentative smile. “That’s good to know, would hate to be somewhere I’m not wanted,” I say honestly.

He gives me a grin. “You’re wanted here, trust me. We all want you to be part of the family. We just have a shitty way of showing it.”

“Aren’t you a little young to be swearing?”
