Page 31 of Rage Untamed

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“Brothers are with their moms, they wanted a sleepover, the moms were both nice to Jennifer, making small talk and shit. Thought you’d want to know about that.”

“Thanks.” That gives me some relief that they weren’t nasty bitches to Jen. Cinnamon and Autumn aren’t all that into dramatics when they know they’ve lost. When I picked the boys up from them, they weren’t thrilled but were happy I was finally settling down to something good. I stopped sleeping with both about three years ago, something that was a long time coming, but I couldn’t keep giving them hope there would be something more. Now those two live together, raising the boys together, and are happy.

“Also heard what you said to Jennifer when you came up here. How could you, dad? Are you never gonna learn?”

Fuck, I do not need this shit from my own kid. “It’s none of your business, boy,” I warn him.

“It is my business when you’ve made that woman cry, a woman that is too damn good for you. I know her past, it’s not a secret around town. She probably feels like she deserved this shit or something. You need to make it right. I like her, Kara loves her, and the boys like her, too. We have enough moms in this damn family, we need someone more permanent. Someone that Kara can look up to, because we both know her mom doesn’t give a shit.”

Fuck, my boy is right. I messed up, and I don’t know how to fix it. and I tell him that.

“Just prove to her you’re not like the rest of the guys out there. Put her first for once.”

With that, Weston walks away and goes to his room, leaving me to think about this shit more. I lay in bed, arm under my head and just think about what I did. But before I can dive to much further into self-wallowing, my phone rings and I see that it’s Hangman.

“What’s up?”

“Need you here soon as you can. Hunter is meeting us.”

He hangs up and I stretch out, groaning. I did not want to have this meet tonight, but there is no backing out of it.

I stomp downstairs and see Kara and Jennifer curled up together on the couch and my heart feels like it’s jumping out of my chest. I love this. “I’m heading out, meeting with Hangman,” I tell Jen and she just nods without looking at me. She probably thinks I’m going to do more than just this meeting, but I’ll prove to her it’s not just that.

Heading out, I climb on my bike and go to our usual meeting place, a small hole in the wall diner that is on neutral territory just outside of Saint John. I pull up and notice Gunner and Dirty’s bikes are here too, along with Hangman’s. I park next to them and head on inside.

“’Bout time you showed up, at least you’re not late, unlike Hunter,” Hangman grumbles. I place an order for steak and eggs with a coffee and sit in the booth, shoving Dirty over.

“What’s this meeting about?” I ask once my food arrives and I dig in.

“Talk about moving out of our territory. Saint John and Rothesay area is ours, always has been, we have charters all along the east coast, too, but we can work with them, as long as we stick to our sides of town.”

I nod, shit sounds good. Getting tired of fighting with these fuckers.

Hunter walks in with two of his men behind him just as I’m finishing up my food and the waitress comes over to take it away.

“Hunter,” Hangman greets him, standing up to shake his hand.

“Hangman,” he returns. Grabbing a chair, he swings it around and straddles it at our table. His men stand behind him. “We need to work out territory and trading. I want shit to go smoothly, without us starting a war.”

“You have to understand, this is something new for us. You’ve deviated away from the original chapter of your club, and they want retribution.”

Hunter hangs his head. “That was when this club was led by my father, I’m changing things now, as you know. I’ve helped you out in the past,” he says to Hangman and he bristles in his seat, what the hell did Hangman do?

Anger seeps into me once again, something I thought I’d shrugged off. But it’s back, I’ll find out once these assholes leave.

“Yes, well, we need to build trust, and first part of that is moving out of Saint John,” Hangman states.

Hunter nods. “Already started that, we’ll be in Moncton, that’s our base. Only coming through town to do our deals. But we won’t step on what you already have. I know you don’t deal in drugs and dope in town, you take it outside, but someone’s gotta supply the locals.”

“You’re right, I didn’t want that shit in my town, not with the dickhead mayor wanting me locked up. You doing it will put more pressure on me, though, I’m being watched.” Hangman nods out the window and sure enough a black SUV is sitting in the parking lot, and I notice a shadow in the driver’s seat.

“What are you gonna do about that?” Hunter asks.

“Don’t worry about it, not your problem.”

“It is my problem when you have my sister at home.”

“A sister you didn’t know you had until recently,” I point out, entering the conversation.
