Page 34 of Rage Untamed

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“Because it just seemed weird this morning.”

“Just grownup stuff, baby girl. Everything will be fine.” I hope so at least.

“Okay, daddy,” she says, smiling. “I love Mama Jen, so I don’t want her to go anywhere.”

“Never going to happen, Jen is here to stay.” Forever.

I drop her off at the front doors of her school and she hops out and runs inside. I wave to the teacher standing at the door, who glares at me, and take off. Stuck-up snobs.

Heading to the clubhouse, I speed, watching behind me for any cops, but I’m in the clear and make it to the building within twenty minutes.

Hangman is in his office when I arrive, and he nods me into the room. “What’s up?”

“When you fucked up with Justine, how’d you win her back?” I ask him, slumping into a seat across from his desk.

“Fuck. You, too?”

I nod. “Yeah, at least I felt bad about it right away and told her, but now she’s not wanting anything to do with me.”

Hangman whistles. “Well at least you have that, took Justine catching me in the act for her to find out. Good on you for coming clean. And how I got her back—well, it took time, mostly her coming up pregnant and getting kidnapped by Hunter, but shit was different for us. She’s a different breed of woman.”

He’s right, Justine is fucking wild as hell and can outdrink me any night. She’s pure biker royalty, sure she didn’t forgive Hangman’s ass right away, she made him work for it. I think the day she found out she was knocked up sort of had her pulling her head out of her ass and she took him back. “The difference, though, is I can’t knock Jennifer up to make this shit right.”

Hangman gives me a pitying look. “I heard about that from Wiz and Manic. Speaking of that shit, I got a call from Happy today, he’s willing to speak with you.”

He hands me a paper with a phone number on it and I thank him, leave the room, and go to mine. Pulling my phone from my pocket, I dial the number.

“Been expecting this call,” Happy answers, he’s the president of the original chapter of the Jacks Devils in the US. “What can I help you with Rage?”

“I got my woman and well, she remembers something from when she was a child that could have to do with your club.”

“I heard you laid claim to Big Tits. That bitch fucked over Hush and everyone who lives here.”

“You know why she did what she did, she didn’t rat in the end. You should be thankful for that at least. What your contract killers did to her is another story, but I’m putting that behind me now. I’ll fill you in on what we’ve learned. When Jennifer was a kid, she was on her way home with her parents from dance class, they were flagged down by a biker, and shot in the head. Jennifer remembers the Jack Devils logo on his cut. The whole thing was erased, making it look like a bad car accident. Jennifer wasn’t hurt, thank fuck, but it damaged her and it’s why her brother sought out revenge. Thing is, we can’t find this in any file we look up. It’s all legit, a car wreck. The police and the biker that did this are long dead, so I can’t seek retribution.”

“Okay, that sounds like shit, but what do you want me to do about it?”

“Just wanted to know if you heard anything about this, you keep a tight rein on your club these days, but this happened about twenty-five years ago.”

“I remember a brother, back then, talking about covering something up but never went into details. About ten years ago, the same brother was found dead, gunshot wound to the head. I never thought about it until now. To be honest, I’m old as fuck, my memory isn’t what it used to be.”

“So, I take it this guy wasn’t a great loss, or acting on the club’s behalf?”

“Nope, just a low-level club member, don’t remember much about him, but he wasn’t a loss to the club, pretty sure he was newly patched.”

“It was something big. Why would a biker just randomly gun down two innocent people with their child in the back seat?” I wonder out loud.

“You got me, but that doesn’t sit right with me either, maybe dig into Big Tits’s parents more, maybe they were part of something, or just were in the wrong place at the wrong time.”

“Thanks, man, appreciate you taking the time to talk to me.”

“No problem. If you find something and it concerns my club, call me back.” He hangs up and I do the same. Something isn’t right. I have a feeling this wasn’t just a random attack.

I go out the clubhouse to our back hidden warehouse and open the doors. “Rage, what’s up?” Wiz asks, turning around in his seat.

“Want a full background on Jennifer’s parents. Something isn’t right.”

“You’re telling me, I’ve already started my search, also found information on the cover up. Original ME report states a single gunshot to the head is what killed them, but that was buried and a new ME report was done up. Died on impact.”
