Page 37 of Rage Untamed

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After taking Jennifershopping and following her back to the apartments to get her car, I decide to have a talk with Jordan. I know she’s mute but she doesn’t need to talk back for this conversation. I wait until Jennifer is long gone and get off my bike, heading up the stairs to Jordan’s apartment.

As I’m about to knock on the door she opens it, looking like she’s going to get on with her day. “Hey, we need to talk,” I say, startling her.

She looks at me, hope in her eyes, and lets me in.

“This isn’t a sit-down talk but I wanted to apologize for last night, it shouldn’t have happened. I’m with Jennifer now,” I tell her, and she looks about ready to cry. Fuck, I don’t do bitches that cry. Jennifer didn’t even cry when I told her what I did. Sure, she had tears in her eyes but she didn’t let them fall.

She quickly runs for her notepad and writes out something. Taking it, I read. “If you didn’t tell Jennifer, I wouldn’t have. I know how to keep my mouth shut.”

“Doesn’t matter, I’m not going to cheat on Jennifer, she’s it for me, and deserves the best in life.” Jordan shuts down, tossing her notepad across the room. “I just came by to apologize. It wasn’t your fault; you were doing your job. So, this mess is on me. Anyways, I’m gonna head out, you should get to work.”

I leave, hopping on my bike and take off for home. I need to get the kids from the bus soon, so someone needs to be home. I can get ready for tonight, too. Having Jennifer on my arm at the club will be worth all the shit I’m going through right now. She held my hand the entire time we were at the mall, that gave me a little hope.


JENNIFER LOOKS FUCKINGstunning tonight, hair done up in some twist thing, and the blood-red dress I picked out fits her curves perfectly.

I watch Jordan try to saunter around the room. Why we keep her around, I don’t know. Well, that’s a lie; it’s because of her body that we keep her. Fat, heavy tits and meat on her bones to give her the perfect amount of curves. If only she could do something about that face of hers.

She doesn’t even look in our direction. Good. Jennifer doesn’t need the drama tonight; she needs to let loose and be free. With me, she can be anything she wants.

“Why don’t you go over to Justine, and I’ll get us some drinks.”

“Um, sure, that sounds good.” She looks at Justine and shirks back. “On second thought, how about I just come with you?”

“You need to make friends with other Old Ladies. Justine is already hoping to plan a night out with you. Talk to her, get to know her. You’ll like her, I promise.”

“It’s not that, it’s just, I’ve slept with her man,” she whisper-yells into my ear.

I chuckle. “So has every other bitch here, and she knows it, so get going.” I slap her ass and shove her in Justine’s direction and head to the bar.

Gunner is here, once again, getting wasted. Asshole needs to get his head out of his ass and just go after the woman he wants.

“Still got woman issues?”

“Fuck you, and yeah,” he mumbles into his drink. “Penny won’t talk to me, she’s hiding something. And Esther...fuck, she took off out of town and I don’t know where she is.”

“Get Wiz and Manic on it,” I tell him, whistling to the prospect to get me and Jennifer a drink. Tonight, was supposed to be a patch-in party, but the brother we were gonna patch in had been stealing from the club. Instead, he’s buried out back.

“Yeah,” he mutters. I turn away from him to go find Jennifer and Justine. Seeing them in conversation, I smile and go to stand by Hangman instead.

“They’re getting along,” I say to him.

“Yeah, that’s good.”

Justine bursts out laughing and I quirk my lip. “Probably discussing your dick size.” I smirk at him.

He punches me in the arm. “Fuck off,” he says, laughing but quickly goes to his woman, so I follow suit.

Sitting next to Jennifer, I feel carefree for the first time ever. Sure, I’ve been to lots of parties, had lots of women, enjoyed myself each time, but this time is different. I used to bring Megan to club parties, but only to share her, and while I want to share Jennifer, I think that’s something that’s gonna take time. For now, it’s just us. Only us.

“Wanna go to my room?” I ask Jennifer an hour later. She looks at me, eyes blurry, she’s drunk. Perfect, maybe I’ll get into her pants tonight. Make up for my fuck-up with Jordan.

“Lead the way, handsome,” she says, throwing herself into my arms. “Bye, guys!” she calls to Justine and Hangman as I put her over my shoulder and carry her off to my room. Tossing her on the bed, I watch her big tits jiggle. Fuck, just that alone, makes me hard. I know she wants to get the surgery to reduce them, but I’m hoping I can put her off that for a little while.

I want her happy in her body but I’ve always wanted to fuck those tits.
