Page 4 of Rage Untamed

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I’m forever grateful to Hangman for saving me, even though he did it for himself. Then, Rage got a look at me, a real look, not just seeing my tits—something the men always loved—and declared I was his. Except the last time I belonged to someone I hurt not only them but myself.

Hush, if rumors are correct, has himself an old lady now, someone that isn’t me. And a kid. Hearing that hurt, something I wished I could give him. Being his. The days I was his were the best of my life.

Being in the strip club, you hear it all, men gossip just as much if not more than women. And when they are drunk, getting lap dances I hear it all. Secrets that I probably shouldn’t know. Like Hangman and Justine, I heard all about them from Wiz. How she’s the long-lost daughter of the original, now dead, president of the Jacks Devils. How Hangman repeatedly cheated on her until she caught him. How it took a lot of work winning her back. But the part that gave me hope for good men out there was when Hangman didn’t let up with winning her back and hasn’t stepped out on her since.

It gives me hope because I know there are good men out there, even if they are clad in biker gear and think they are tough shit. But one woman, a good woman can bring a man to his knees. Literally. I want to be a woman like that for someone special someday. But when people find out about my past as a whore, I doubt I’ll get my happily ever after.

Chapter 3


Aknock sounds at myapartment door and I go to answer it, coming face-to-face with Jordan. She’s not a new girl, she’s been around about a few months now. Belonging to only Rage. Thinking of Rage has me jealous, I want him, but can’t have him, no matter what he says.

I want a man to be loyal to me and only me. And that just won’t happen with Rage. I smile at Jordan, letting her in. the woman is a mute, something the boys at the club house love.

She hears, she just doesn’t talk.

“Are you okay?” I ask her and she nods, pulling out her phone to reply to me.

“I’m nervous about tonight,” she types.

I smile at her. “So am I, but it will be fine, we’re strong women and we can handle anything they throw at us.”

“This will be the first time I’m with someone besides Rage,” she types out, I give her a small smile, the woman seriously thought that Rage would claim her at some point, but I’ve heard that Rage calls her Butterface. Not sure if Jordan has heard that yet, but if she had I’d doubt she’d be so into Rage.

“I have a feeling I’m going to be with Rage tonight, you know that man is like a dog with a bone, wants something he can’t have. And tonight, I can’t say no.” Club rules and all that.

Jordan frowns and tears glisten in her eyes. Shit, I shouldn’t have said anything. But she’s going to know soon enough tonight when she sees him firsthand.

“The guys will take care of you, get someone like Wiz, Decker or even Manic, those three are amazing men that treat women with respect.” They are the only ones that don’t like people watching them fuck, I should know because they made sure the cameras were all off when they had me in the back room at the strip club.

Jordan nods and waits for me to finish getting ready, I don’t know why I bothered so hard with what I’m wearing because I know as soon as I get to the club, they will make me undress. I guess I shouldn’t complain so much about the Untamed MC. It’s better than being with Killer and Trinity. I’d be dead if I had stayed where I was.

I look around my apartment to make sure I have everything I need; it isn’t small, the club really does take care of its girls, and smile. A place to call my own. I don’t even have to pay rent, any cash I earn I put it into savings. The men give us an allowance for clothing and own the building we live in. I have to say I have more savings now working for this club than I ever have.

If only I could leave this all behind one day and make a life for myself, but I know that’s just not in the cards for me. Not when I’m basically owned by this club. Hangman told me when he picked me up that I wouldn’t be going back to my life. Ever. I was now Untamed property until the day I died. I was scared at first but now that I’ve been here for over a year now, it’s nothing like I thought it would be.
