Page 47 of Rage Untamed

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He nods and we drive downtown to the building and I park in my manger’s spot. “You wanna start on one floor and I at the top? We’ll meet in the middle?”

“What do I say to the ladies?”

“Just knock on the doors and tell them to get downstairs for testing time.” I wave him off and go on up. Prospect carries my bags and sets them just inside my office. Thanking him, I head to the elevator and go to the top floor, gathering up all the girls from that floor. Doesn’t take me long rounding everyone up, and the prospect meets me on the third floor.

I smile and head towards the conference room and greet the girls with a smile. “Alright, ladies, line up and let’s get testing.” I notice Jordan at the very back of the group and she doesn’t bother looking up as everyone else lines up to get going.

It takes two hours to go through everyone, leaving Jordan last. “Everything okay there, Jordan? You’re usually trying to be first in line.” I also realized that she’s gained some weight, which isn’t a good thing because none of the club brothers are into fat girls. They like curves, and people thick, but it’s just her belly and face that have swollen up.

She passes me a notebook saying she needs a pregnancy test, and my blood turns to ice. No, please, no. “How far along are you?” I ask her, needing to know. We don’t normally test for pregnancy, not until we hear rumours or if a girl asks us flat out. That might need to change.

She writes me, “Four months give or take.” And it’s then I’m leaning over a trash can vomiting. She’s pregnant and it’s Rage’s child. I count back the months and sure enough it was when she was only Rage’s, no one else’s. She’s giving Rage exactly what he wants, more kids, something I can’t do.

I look at the prospect who comes close, making sure I’m okay. “I’m fine, can you take Jordan here for her testing? I’m going to the bathroom to clean up,” I lie. He doesn’t question me, thankfully, and takes off with Jordan and her tests.

I run out of the building and hop into my car and take off. I have no idea where I’m going yet, so I just drive, getting as far away from this city as I possibly can. I knew things were too good to be true, and here I am, alone and heartbroken. I never should have given myself the hope that my life would be amazing now. Because now, it’s worse than it ever has been.

Finally in love, having a family, to it all being pulled out from under me. Fuck this. I pull over on the side of the road and search my purse. Thankfully I still have my ID and passport in the middle compartment and I cry. I’m leaving and not coming back. Rage won’t search for me for long. Hell, he won’t even know where to look for me. But once he finds out that he’s having another child, well, his focus will be on that.

I head to the border, which takes me three hours and go through easily, they only asked a handful of questions, but they were simple enough. I just told them I was coming down to identify my brother, something that isn’t exactly a lie. Once I’m across the border, I toss out my cell phone on the highway and take off.

To where? I don’t know yet, but I’ll know once I get there.

Chapter Thirty-five


Something is wrong, I don’t know what, but I’m feeling it. worse than last night. I pick up my phone and dial Jennifer’s number but she doesn’t answer. That’s unusual for her, she always answers my phone calls, no matter what she’s doing.

I call the prospect we had on her and he picks up on the first ring, sounding out of breath. “Where’s Jennifer?”

“That bitch took off.” He sounds pissed as fuck. “Left me fucking behind, and I tried to chase the car, but she’s fast, man.”

Fuck, this isn’t good. “What was she doing before she took off?” I rush out, taking off towards Hangman’s office.

“She was talking to Jordan and something that bitch wrote to her set her off.” I hang up on him, because he’s useless to me. Unless he knows what was written which he obviously doesn’t. I barge into Hangman’s office, and see he has Justine bent over his desk, plowing her from behind.
