Page 48 of Rage Untamed

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“Sorry, Pres, but I need you,” I tell him, looking away so Justine can get dressed.

“What’s going on?” Hangman asks.

“Jennifer took off, any idea of where she would go?”

“Fuck, why’d she take off?” he curses as he finishes fixing his pants.

Justine remains quiet, but she looks thoughtful.

“I don’t fuckin’ know. That bitch Jordan said something to her and she rushed off, lost the prospect that was on her.”

I pace the room, my hands going into my hair.

“We’re the only ones she knows in this country, so would she have gone back to the states?” Justine asks. She’s got a point. I stop pacing and look to Hangman.

“Make some calls to the Jacks Devils and Blue Devils, see if they’ve seen her around, and if they haven’t have them keep a look out for her.”

“Can’t do that, brother, I’m sorry man, but if Happy or Hush find Jennifer, they’ll just kill her.” I wince, because he’s fucking right. They told us if they ever had to see her again, they’d end her without hesitation, and fuck me, now I’m more worried than anything. She wouldn’t go back there, would she?

“Any idea what Jordan would have told Jennifer?” Hangman asks, coming to me.

“Not a fucking clue, man.”

“I wonder.” He mumbles as he steps out of the office, Justine trailing behind him giving me a soft pitying smile.

It had to be something fucking huge for her to just take off.

I spot Gunner at the bar, getting ready to pour drinks and I stop him, because I fucking need him sober for this shit. “Need your help. Jennifer took off; that bitch Jordan said something to her and she’s missing now.”

Gunner looks at me thoughtfully. “Thought the bitch couldn’t speak?” he asks confused.

“Fuck off, you know what I mean.”

“Brothers around here that have had her lately say she’s getting fat, so she’s probably pissed off about how no one wants her right now.” It’s true, saw her the other day and she’s looking chunky, not a good, fucking, look for her.

“Go to the source, I’ll talk with Manic, Decker, and Wiz, and we’ll find Jennifer,” he says, pats me on the shoulder, and takes off to the back.

He’s right, I need to get to those apartments and speak with Jordan myself. I head outside and see Hangman sending Justine on her way and he waves me over. “Let’s go talk to Jordan.”

“I was just going to do that.”

“Good, we’ve lost enough bitches in this club over our women, I’ll be there in case you need clean up.” We hop on our bikes and head off towards the building we own and park.

I rush inside and search for the prospect that is ten seconds away from not being a prospect anymore and locate him marching Jordan out of the building. “Bitch wouldn’t tell me shit, so I was about to bring her to you guys.”

“How? You have no bike.”

He shrugs. “Was gonna get a cab.”

“Anyways, bitch doesn’t talk, she’s mute, you wouldn’t have gotten shit from her.” I look at Jordan who is rubbing her stomach and looking down. Fuck me. No way. She can’t be.

My mind goes back, four months ago I was drunk out of my fucking mind and pissed that Jennifer was still avoiding me. I slept with Jordan that night, bare, shit.

“Are you pregnant?” I ask her, and she looks up startled but nods.

I drop to my knees and put my hands to my head and let out a roar of, “No!” Fuck my life, no wonder my woman took off. I put my baby in some club whore, when my own woman can’t have kids. This is probably killing her inside.

“Take her back to her apartment. No one touches the bitch. I want you stationed outside that room, do not let her leave,” I order the prospect and look to Hangman who’s staring at me in shock. “We need to focus on finding Jennifer. This has to be fucking killing her, and I’m worried she’s going to do something stupid.”
