Page 49 of Rage Untamed

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I get up and rush to my bike so I can get back to the clubhouse. I’m useless as fuck there, but it’s better than wandering aimlessly around town to find her. Wiz and Manic will have better luck with their computers.

Why’d she run? She could have talked to me. We could have worked through this. Fuck!

At least now I know why that bitch Jordan was trying to get my attention the last few weeks. Fuck my life. I knew something would happen. But I didn’t think this would be it. I might have just lost the best piece of me, all because I’m a stupid, fucking moron.

Chapter Thirty-six


Istop on the sideof the familiar road and look inside through my window. I see him then, Hush and his woman, who’s passing him a baby. They look so happy. A tear runs down my cheek and I quickly swipe it away, I look back to the road and start up my car, no sense in looking back on the past. It might just get me killed.

I pull away from the diner and continue my journey, the only place I haven’t been to since my parents died is their grave, and it’s something I want—no something I have—to do. I need to pay my respects. I drive past my dingy, old trailer and notice it’s abandoned, so I pull over and go inside.

Hoping no squatters are living here, I open the door and take a breath. Fuck, it stinks. Smells like it hasn’t been cleaned since I was last here. And that was such a long time ago, I’m surprised the club didn’t take over this trailer and have someone living in it. But I suppose the place is under my brother’s name, so they probably couldn’t touch it.

I grab a suitcase and see that most of my old clothing is still in the closet and pack up what I can and drag everything out to my car. When I get outside, I stop because standing in front of me is the man I thought I used to love.

“What are you doing back here?” he demands, getting angry. “Thought I saw you at the diner, and sure enough, my gut was right.”

“I’m just getting my things then I’ll be gone. You won’t ever see me again,” I tell him quietly, hitching my suitcase close to my body.

“I swore that if I ever saw you again, I’d kill you myself; but looking at you now, broken beyond repair, I can tell you’ve paid the price for your whorish ways.” His words cut like a knife and I skirt around him going to my car, putting my suitcase in the trunk. These clothes won’t get me far, since they are pretty trashy, but it’s better than wearing nothing.

“I’m sorry, I never meant to hurt anyone,” I whisper to Hush.

“Yeah, whatever. Fuck off. Never come back here again, or next time, I’ll shoot you.” He storms off, going to his bike, that I didn’t hear coming. Which surprises me, I used to wish for his visits in the past, listening for his bike, but this time I didn’t even pay attention to it. I really am over him. But my heart is back in Canada, with Rage and his kids. Kids I’ll never get to see again, because I know Hush’s words ring true, and he’s probably not the only one.

I get in my car and start it up then take off toward Chicago. A place I haven’t been since my parents died. But first, the police station to report my brother missing, and hopefully, they can get me the money my brother left me.


ITAKE A BIG BREATHand get out of my car, going inside the police station. “Can I help you?” a bored male voice asks me.

“Yes, actually, I’m here to file a missing person’s report.”

