Page 5 of Rage Untamed

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“I’m ready, let me lock up and we can go.” The girls and I are all carpooling to the club, the guys don’t like a bunch of cages, non-bikes, on the property so we carpool in a big bus that fits us all. As the leader of the group, they have to wait for me to get on before they can.

It’s not a position I wanted but I was good at it, and Hangman and Rage both saw that I was like a mother hen with these women and put me in charge. I take care of getting them tested, on birth control, even plan b and the occasional abortions.

Hangman and Rage both got club girls knocked up in the past and that’s something they don’t want happening again. Especially since it was a recent scare with another bitch trying to say she was pregnant to trap Gunner. But she should have known he can’t be trapped. Gunner gave her money for an abortion and when I went to take her to the clinic, she confessed she was never pregnant.

I knew she was no good when she rocked up to the club house looking to join. I had eyes on her and she was catty, the cattiest of the bunch. I have a good set of girls now though, with my takeover of them I got rid of the ones that were only in it to hopefully get an old man one day. But bikers don’t make old ladies out of club whores.

The girls now don’t have stars in their eyes for the men in the club, if anything a few have steady boyfriends that are okay with how they earn their cash. They think of this as a job, nothing more. Except Jordan, who is clearly head-over-heels for Rage.

Tonight, that will change, I’m sure. Especially since he already warned me that he was coming for me. I’ve dodged him enough and he’s done waiting.

Chapter 4


The bus pulls intothe compound and I’m out of my seat, heading to the drop-off spot. Tonight Jennifer becomes mine, and not a single fucking word will be said against it. This is what I’ve been waiting for.

No more avoidance, no more dodging, tonight, she’s going to be shackled to the claiming table and I will tat up her beautiful tits with my mark. I never even tatted up my ex-wife with my mark, she did that all on her own, to show she was mine to the bitches around the club.

Things with the girls lately have been better, I knew it was the right decision to put Jennifer in charge of the girls. No more catty bullshit, or girls thinking they can become old ladies. A few of the bitches have boyfriends, which is weird as fuck to me, but what they do in their own time is whatever.

After tonight, Jennifer can’t have any other cock but mine, unless I choose to share her, which right now, that’s the furthest thing from my mind. Hangman is here tonight to see the show I’ll be putting on with Jennifer, then he’ll be off to home with his wife. Jennifer has been mine for years, she just hasn’t realized it yet, and after tonight, there will be no more confusion about it.

Hangman getting married again seems like a surreal thing, something we never thought we’d see after the shit-fest that was his first marriage, but Justine has changed him. I don’t know yet if it’s for the better or not, but if anyone deserves a good woman it’s him. He’s someone I look up to, always have, and now that he’s laid claim to a woman and is faithful as fuck to that woman, well, it makes a man think.

Can I be like him? Can I be faithful? Or will I always need the abundance of free pussy. I won’t know until the time comes, I guess. Jennifer has been hurt enough, so I’m hoping I can be the man she needs me to be.

After tonight, she’ll still be in charge of the girls but instead of staying in that apartment, she’ll be moving into my house—a house I rarely ever stay at because it’s too big and lonely as fuck there. But once Jennifer is in my house, I’ll be home a lot more often, filling her up and hopefully the house with kids.

Jordan makes a beeline for me when she gets off the bus and I shrug her off. “Go inside, others want a turn with you.” She makes a choking sound and scurries off, I don’t bother looking at her leave, but I know she’s probably crying. Jennifer comes off the bus last, finally, and she looks at me almost resigned. Almost as if she knows what is going to happen tonight.

“Jennifer,” I call to her to make her come to me. She comes out of her stupor and comes to me. Opening my arms, I take her in, breathing in her scent. Fuck she smells good. She doesn’t go to the extremes the other bitches do with perfumes and shit.


My cock twitches at the way she says my name. I wish she’d use my real name though, something I gave her months ago. But she refuses. After tonight she won’t, she’ll moan my name, my real name.
