Page 50 of Rage Untamed

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“You would know him as Officer Butcher.”

His face goes hard and he leans forward. “And who the fuck are you?”

“I’m his sister,” I say politely. “He’s never been much in my life, but I always seen him once in a while, at least once a year, but it’s been too long now, and I’m worried.”

“You should be, his body was found a week ago in the desert, barely recognizable.” A sob catches in my throat, but I beat it back down. He might have been a shit brother, but I don’t agree with the way he died. He was probably tortured before being left to the elements and animals.

“Is he buried somewhere?”

“Yeah, down off eighth avenue, you won’t miss the cemetery.” His face softens when he sees tears in my eyes. “He had a life insurance policy, if your name is Jennifer, he left you almost everything.”

I sniffle. “Did you know him?”

“Yeah, we were partners for a few years, but not overly close. I’ll give you the name of his lawyer, you might want to reach out and see if you are entitled to anything. He left half of his life insurance to the station, so I’m not sure how much is left, probably just building interest. You should really look into it, if you decide to stay in town.” I don’t plan to, I need to get away from this town as soon as possible, before Hush comes back and really does put a bullet in my head.

I take a card from him and it’s a number to my brother’s lawyer and thank the officer before heading out. I dial the number and explain who I am, which I’m then informed they’ve been looking for me to discuss my brother’s will. I quickly agree to meeting up with the lawyer tomorrow and take off in search for a hotel room for the night.

Tomorrow, I will finish off what’s left of my life in this town and take off, before Rage can track me down.

Chapter Thirty-seven


Rage, it’s all I feel, mind-numbing, pure, blinding, rage. After Jennifer hit the US border, there is no sign of her, she tossed her cell. All I want to do is put a bullet in Jordan’s head, but no, I have to keep her alive until she gives birth to my kid.

I leave the clubhouse, because there isn’t anything more I can do, and head to the apartments to meet with the doctor we have on retainer so he can perform an ultrasound on Jordan. I need to know for sure that she’s carrying my kid, if she’s as far along as she claims, then I’m truly fucked. And I might have no chance on getting Jennifer back.

My phone rings in my pocket as I get off my bike and I see its Wiz. “Brother, whatchu got for me?” I ask him quickly.

“Hush saw her,” he tells me, and fear spikes up my spine. “He didn’t kill her, wanted to but he let her be. She was at her trailer packing up shit she left behind.”

“Fuck, okay. Well, that’s good, but where the hell could she be going?”

“Word around town, she was at the police station to find out about her brother. She’s meeting with the lawyer tomorrow to discuss his will, and we’re going to try to get a lockdown on her there.”

“Aright, brother, call Hush back. I know he hates Jennifer, but I need them to put her on lockdown until I can get there.”
