Page 51 of Rage Untamed

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“Already made that call, they are watching her already. Didn’t trust that she’d leave town right away; scared the shit out of them when she went into the precinct, but we’re assured she wasn’t there to rat them out.”

“Thanks, brother, talk to you soon.” Thank fuck, we found Jennifer, that gives me some relief. It’s been two fucking weeks since I last had her in my arms, and I feel like I’m dying. I want to run to her right now, but it will take some planning to get down there, but first we need a plan, like finding out if Jordan is, in fact, having my baby.

I go up to Jordan’s apartment and walk in, not bothering to knock and see her sitting on the couch with the doctor. “Rage, good you’re here. As I was telling Jordan she needs to start taking prenatal vitamins, be sure she takes them. You guys ready to have the ultrasound?”

I nod and take a seat in the chair across from Jordan and the doctor, tuning most of what they are talking about out. Because in this moment, all I can think about is my woman, my Jennifer. But the minute the machine turns on and the sound of a heartbeat fills the room, I finally pay attention.

“Well, I’ll be. Twins,” the doctor says, and I have to stop myself from falling out of my seat. Twins? What the fuck? How did this become my fucking life?

“You sure?” I stutter out.

“Yes sir, two babies, two heartbeats. One is a boy; one is a girl. Jordan was correct with her dates, she’s reading four months, two weeks and three days,” he rattles off. He finishes off a few more things and my head is spinning. “With twins, I’ll want her checked out regularly. They often tend to come sooner than the average pregnancy.”

“Yeah, sure.” I wave him off, handing him some cash and I stare at Jordan. “Were you trying to trap me or some shit?” I ask her and she picks up her notebook and pen.

“I wanted you Rage, always just you, you have to see me now,” she writes.

I bark out a laugh. “Fuck no. Jennifer and I will be raising those kids.”

Her face gets red with anger. “Over my dead body!” she scribbles out fast.

I sneer at her. “I can easily make that happen.”

She shrinks into herself and scribbles something else. “You either raise these babies with me, or I’ll kill all three of us.”

I wouldn’t put it past her either, bitch is unhinged if she thinks I’d leave my woman for her. “Trust me, you won’t get the fucking chance.” I pull out my phone and lean against the door to her apartment, making sure she can’t leave and dial up Hangman.

“Rage, what’s going on?” he asks, as if he expected my call.

“Got a situation. Jordan, here, says she’ll kill herself and the babies if I won’t be with her.”

“Fuck me, twins? Shit, when you fuck up, you go all out.”

“I wasn’t even with Jennifer when this mess happened.”

“Fuck, alright, we’ll send a cage to your location to pick her up. We’ll keep her monitored in a cell out back.”

“Thanks, brother.” I hang up and look to Jordan who is staring at me in shock. “Get packed, you’re going somewhere more, let’s just say, enjoyable.” I smirk as I say it because fuck, she’s gonna have a shit time being locked up. But at least there I know she can’t harm my babies. And it gives me time to figure out what the hell to do about Jennifer.

I plan on raising these babies with her, whether Jordan likes it or not.
