Page 54 of Rage Untamed

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Chapter Forty


Three days, that’show long it takes me to get to the Jack Devils compound. Border patrol almost didn’t let me through but with one phone call, I was through instantly. Now here I am, getting my woman back.

I heard from Hangman a few times, once saying that Jordan kneed him in the balls. I almost laughed but caught myself. Last thing I need is to get stabbed when I get back home, after getting my woman back. Bitch tried to run but thankfully, she was tackled by Decker and taken back to her cell, chained to the bed this time.

I pull up to the gates of the compound and ring the buzzer; the gates instantly open then I pull through. I wanted to bring my bike but fuck if I’m gonna let Jennifer out of my sight anytime soon. I need to hold her, touch her, make sure she doesn’t fucking go anywhere.

“Hey, man, long drive?” Hush asks, coming out of the clubhouse.

I shrug. “Yeah, felt longer than it was, only because I wanted to be here so badly.”

His face contorts and a grim look appears on his face. “Mind telling me why she means so much to you? How you can even stand to be with her?”

“I love her.” I shrug, feeling as if that says it all.

“I thought I did at one time, too, but I was wrong,” He points out, but I’m not like him. I had women, I had a wife, didn’t love any of them.

“What we have is different brother.” I walk past him and go inside the clubhouse and see there is a party going on. In the corner, Trinity dances all over Killer and it takes everything in me to not pull out my gun and fire bullets into their bodies. But I know I wouldn’t make it out of this club alive if I did that.

“Hey, Rage, Happy is in his office, go see him there, then get your girl and get gone. No one here wants that bitch around anymore,” Killer calls out when he sees me. “Hopefully, you can make it outta here before Trinity sees her again, bitch hasn’t shut up about wanting to finish what she started.” I clench my fists.

I give him a chin lift so I don’t say anything, because anything I say could get me killed at this point. Part of me wonders if I should have brought backup. I head down the hall and into Happy’s office, when he sees me, he instantly goes alert and looks behind me.

“Good, you’re here. A lot of members of the club don’t want that bitch here any longer and said if you weren’t here soon, they were going back on their deal with you and just kill her. So glad it didn’t come to that.”

I’m honestly not surprised, what Jennifer did to this club, even if unintentionally, well, it has a lot of people pissed, and if it was my club, I would feel the same. “Just came for my woman, I’ll wanna spend the night tonight and be on the road first thing.”

He nods and comes around his desk. “I can handle that. Let’s get you to her then I’ll leave y’all alone. You want any food brought to you, or think you’ll just sleep?”

“If I need food I know where to find it.” I tell him, I’ve been to this club before and know my way around, the layout of the building is quite simple.

“Alright, brother, here you are. Room fifteen.” He stops in front of the door and pulls out a key, unlocking it. “I usually check on her around this time, and she’s usually just staring out the window,” he tells me, scratching the back of his head.

“Thanks, man, I got it from here.” I open the door and watch as her body stills then shut the door behind me.

“You’re here,” she breathes out, still not turning around from the window, her head falls forward, resting on the glass.

“Yeah, babe, I am, we’re gonna have a little talk about your disappearing act.”

“You got Jordan pregnant,” she whimpers, shoulders hitching to hold back a sob.

“I did, with twins.” I tell her, wanting to be honest. “But it was before you gave me a shot. Jen, it happened before we got together.”

She nods. “I know that, but it still hurts me. I can’t give you babies, Rage, but everyone else can, what’s that say about me? That I’m not woman enough? That I’m not good enough for you? And why the hell can you spread your seed around all over town? How have you not been fixed yet? You enjoy knocking up every bitch you touch?” She’s started to get worked up, angry even. So, I step up to her.

“Baby. Please look at me.” She turns around and I see track marks on her face where her tears fell and wipe at them. “I never said I was a good man, or that I was innocent. I’m a fuck-up, plain and simple, I remember the night it happened, too. I was fucking drunk because you turned me down again and I just, well, fucked Jordan bare without thinking. I do that a lot you know, don’t think.” I try to give a slight chuckle but it sounds wrong. I clear my throat. “But it’s you, Jennifer, you’re the one I want, the one I want to spend my life with. We are going to raise those babies as ours, they will never know Jordan was their mother. You are.”

Her eyes light up with hope. “Jordan agreed to this?” she asks disbelievingly.

“Not exactly, but it’s how it’s gonna go down.”
