Page 57 of Rage Untamed

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Chapter Forty-two


Three months later

“Is she close yet?”I’m getting tired of this bitch being alive, she’s due to have my babies soon, and I just want it over with. We have everything set up for the adoption with Jennifer, so hopefully, it won’t be long now until we can finally get rid of Jordan for good.

“She’s only just about eight months along, unless complications arise you still have another month or so to go. Twins usually come early, so there is a chance,” The doctor informs me as we step into Jordan’s cell.

What we see is a sight, water all over the floor, tinged with redness, my first thought is that she tried to kill my kids. I start to go to her, but she makes this god-awful noise that has me stepping back and letting the doctor go to her to check her over.

“Shit, we need to get her to the hospital, these babies are coming and she’s going to need a c-section,” Doc commands. Everyone starts rushing around the room while I’m standing here like an idiot. Someone smacks me in the back of the head.

“Hey!” I shout.

“Get your shit together, man, you’re having more kids, you fucking baby machine,” Hangman snaps at me and I move, going out to my bike and speeding off behind the convoy to the hospital.

It’s time. I need to call Jennifer so she can get to the hospital, too, so these babies can have their mother. Although being at the hospital comes with risks. What if Jordan refuses to hand the babies over or manages to slip a note to some nursing staff there? We’ll have to make sure she’s watched and only Doc can take care of her.

I get to the hospital in record time and send a text to Jennifer, who is home with my other kids having a game night. We got home three months ago and it’s been an easy ride. Everything was quiet and Hangman did something unexpected, he hugged Jennifer and said if she ever felt the need to run again to tell him and he’d just lock her up instead. I laughed at that; my woman wasn’t going anywhere, again. Ever.

Since we got home, it’s been nothing except making sure Jordan was taking care of the babies and herself. Jennifer would often visit with her and try to get her talking some more once she found out about her plans to hurt my other kids. But nothing. Jordan was as mute as ever.

It didn’t stop Jennifer, though. I watched—on the camera—her trying to talk with Jordan, for a brief time she even made it sound like we weren’t together anymore and that she’d help Jordan, but she didn’t fall for it.

Now here I am, texting my woman that a bitch I knocked up is giving birth to our babies. I had my vasectomy last month and I’ve been getting shit from the guys about it, but in this life, being faithful, it’s a hit or miss thing, and I’m not chancing my cock knocking up another bitch.

Do I have plans to cheat? No, of course not, but what happens on the road stays on the road, and I’m following Hangman’s lead on that. We’ve only gone on one run since I’ve been back, and I wasn’t exactly faithful but the most I did was a blow job from some random bitch. Hangman on the other hand got wasted to celebrate a successful run and was balls deep in pussy that whole weekend.

If he feels guilty over it, he doesn’t show it. I know I felt guilt and all I got was a damn blow job. I told Jennifer right away who just shushed me and said flat out, what happens on the road stays on the road, as long as it’s not local she doesn’t care. She’s happy with the life we’re making and she understands the life I lead.

Dirty and Anara are rocky again and it’s looking like they might split up so he’s doubled his efforts to not fuck around lately, which shocks the shit outta me. And Gunner, fucking Gunner is still drinking away his problems every damn night. He needs to get over his shit and go get his women.

I sit on the hard-as-fuck chairs in the waiting room, as Jennifer walks in with bags of things and Kara. “We didn’t know what was needed so I brought enough food for everyone here, and some things for the babies when we can take them home.” She smiles at me and Kara comes to my arms, sleepily.

“You could have left her home,” I say as Kara falls asleep on my shoulder.

“She wanted to come, as soon as she heard the babies were coming, she hopped out of bed and ran to the car.” I had to get Jennifer a new car since we abandoned the one she was driving in the states. That would have been a bitch to transport back home and not even worth it; it was a junker car for prospects anyway.

I give my girls a kiss. “What about the boys?”

“They ended up going to their moms, and Weston is still at the house, playing video games with his friends.”

I’m about to talk more to her when the doctor comes out and smiles. “We’ve got two healthy babies, they need a little NICU care, but all-in-all they are healthy. Would you like to see them?”

Jennifer jumps up from her seat and excitedly says yes. I pass Kara over to Hangman and he takes her from me. I go with Jennifer to see our babies and my stomach bottoms out. I have two new kids, how the fuck am I gonna care for two babies at once?

“You okay, babe?” Jennifer asks, her hand slipping into mine.

“Yeah, just thinking about the babies.”
