Page 58 of Rage Untamed

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She gives my hand a squeeze. “Everything will be okay.”

I hope she’s right, but I have a feeling something more is coming, and my gut is never wrong.

Chapter Forty-three


Istare at the beautifultwins sleeping in their cot in the NICU. God, they are stunning children, and now they are mine. I hate how they came to be but I can’t get mad about it anymore, I have children now. Children that will need a mother’s love, and they will absolutely get that from me.

I think about the children I lost and tear up, all those missed out chances I had, and now look at me. A mother, even if it comes by adoption. I’ll be the best mother I can possibly be. These children are going to be so spoiled with love that they’ll drown in it.

“We should go see Jordan,” Rage says after about an hour of us sitting here just watching these beautiful babies.

“Why?” I ask him, I want nothing to do with that woman, not after everything that she’s done. I still can’t believe she was planning on killing Rage’s other children just so hers would be all he has.

“Because she needs to sign off on the adoption officially, and the only way to do that is to get in there while she’s doped up on pain medication.” He’s right, I don’t know if she’s going to sign, but part of me thinks she will because she knows the only other option is her death. I don’t think Rage will kill her without cause, and she hasn’t done anything in months. I strongly believe that she’ll live as long as she signs over her rights so I can adopt these babies.

“Okay, let’s go.” I hold out my hand for him to take and we head on out, giving one last look to the babies. Doc says they should only be in here for a few weeks, and that’s fine with us, gives me more time to work on the nursery.

We walk, hand-in-hand down the halls of the hospital and go to Jordan’s room, except, she’s not in here. Where could she be?

“Where is she?” Rage roars. Nurses come flying into the room.

“Sir, you need to calm down,” one nurse tries to placate him.

“Calm? Where the fuck is the bitch that just gave birth to my kids?”

I try to calm him in my way but instead he shrugs me off and paces the room.

“Miss, she just had a twins via a c-section, could she have gone anywhere?” I ask the nurse that seems to be the calmest despite Rage going nuts.

“We had her up and walking a few hours ago, so it’s not impossible, but she couldn’t have left the hospital. I’ll check with security and see if we can find her.” She pats me on the shoulder and leaves the room.

I walk out next, going to find Hangman because Rage is too angry for me to deal with right now and spot him and Kara playing go fish. “Hey.” I get Hangman’s attention and snap my fingers to Gunner and Decker.

Dirty takes over for Hangman and plays with Kara as the men come to me.
