Page 61 of Rage Untamed

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I could have lost everything tonight, my kid, my woman. Fuck.

Chapter Forty-five


Iwake to beeping noisesand remember that I’m in the hospital. I was shot, in the chest, by a crazy bitch. But Weston was okay, and that’s all that matters.

“Jennifer?” I hear Rage’s voice and open my eyes. He looks worn down, tired. He breathes out a sigh of relief. “Fuck, you scared me,” he says, coming to my bedside. “Never do that again.”

“I will always protect those I love, and I would do it again in a heartbeat,” I groggily tell him, and its true, because I’d never let anything happen to one of Rage’s kids.

“Everyone wants to see you, if you’re up for it? But first, I have to call the doctor to let him know you’re awake. It’s been four damn days, woman; I know you bitches need your beauty sleep but this was too much.”

I giggle at that and wince; fuck, my chest hurts. I look down and notice my chest is smaller than I’m used to and look up at Rage confused.

“I’ll let the doctor explain,” he says, giving me a tight smile. “Everything is fine, though.”

The doctor comes in moments later and gives me a smile. “You’re finally awake, good.” He checks me over, does some tests ,and finally stands back, scribbling on his clipboard. “It was touch and go there for a while, but we managed to pull the bullet out of you and save your life. We had to remove the implants you had in your breasts, due to one of them bursting from the gunshot.” Okay, I like where this is going so far. “We were told you had plans to remove them anyway?”

I nod, my head feeling heavy. “Yes, I was scheduled for next week, actually.” I’ve been wanting this day to come ever since Rage promised me it and it finally happened just not in the way it should have.

“Well, this saves an extra surgery. You’re healing up nicely, but it will be a few more weeks before you’re completely healed. I suggest taking it easy at home. If all goes well, we can release you tomorrow.” That seems soon. I frown at the doctor and he gives me a smile. “You’ve been healing for four days, you finally woke up, I see no reason to keep you longer than necessary.”

“Don’t worry, we have a doctor on retainer at home if you need help with anything, or something happens,” Rage tells me.

“I want to see the kids.” Rage nods and leaves the room after the doctor, going to get the kids, hopefully. Minutes tick by and he finally comes back. Weston, Kara, Nick and Kyle all in tow. And my body sags with relief as I start to sob.

“Baby,” Rage murmurs coming to my side and hugging my head.

The kids gather around me, but not too closely. Kara is crying silently and even Weston is sniffling. “Don’t you ever do something like that again,” Weston finally snaps at me, and I smile.

“You love me,” I singsong.

“Yeah, yeah, shut up. But, of course, I love you. Love you even more now, you crazy bitch, for saving my life.” Weston leans forward and kisses my cheek.

Nick and Kyle are quiet, taking me in. “We’re glad you’re okay,” they say in unison. They are creepy sometimes, but I wouldn’t change a thing about them. If it wasn’t for them having different mothers, I would say they were twins.
