Page 63 of Rage Untamed

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“Wanna know why Jackal is gonna fuck you, Jordan? Because you’re trash, thinking you could have been an Old Lady, fuck that, only worthy of a prospect.” Her body trembles and I smile. She’s not even worth a prospect fuck, but she’s gonna go out with a bang.

I leave the cabin and let the boys get on with it. I might have condoned this rape, but I’m not watching it, it’s not my thing. Hangman pulls out a joint and hands it to me. May as well have a mini party while we’re waiting.

“How’s Jennifer?” he asks after taking a puff.

“In pain, but she’s doing good. She woke up today, doctor says she’ll be able to leave tomorrow, but with the babies in the NICU a little longer, she might not want to leave.”

“Don’t blame her. Have you two thought of names yet for the twins?”

“I’m leaving that up to Jennifer, she hasn’t said anything yet, though. I named all four of my kids, Jennifer never had any of her own, so that’s my gift to her.”

“Aww, look at you all sweet and shit.”

“What about you and Justine? She’s due any day now.”

“I don’t give a fuck, just want my baby healthy, Justine said the name will come to her once she gives birth.”

I nod, taking a puff.

“May as well go get a drink while we wait, have a feeling those two will be taking their time with that shit.” I toss over my shoulder as I start walking back to the clubhouse.


HOURS TICK BY AND DIRTYand Jackal finally come back inside the clubhouse, looking worn out and tired. “How’d you do?”

“Fucked her six ways from Sunday, she’s worn out.” Dirty gives me a grin. “Boy, here, did good. Fucked her like a mad man, no matter how much she screamed.”

“Good, now it’s my turn.” The room settles down as I get up and head out to the cabin. Jordan lays on the dirty floor, covered in cum. Fucking gross. I try not to gag but it’s not working. “Yo, need someone to hose her down, I ain’t touching another man’s cum.”

The men all laugh but someone grabs a hose and starts spraying Jordan. Her stomach is bleeding again but I don’t care. They say no sex for like two months after a c-section but it’s only been a few days, so that wound was bound to open back up. And I’m happy about it. Let her bleed out slowly while I take my pound of flesh from her.

“Bitch got blood on my dick.” Dirty mumbles after coming up next to me. “Should see Jackal’s cock man, never seen one that big, and he’s got piercings all the way from the tip to the base of it. My balls shrank just seeing it.” I laugh at that.

“She’s clean, brother,” Gunner says, putting the hose away. I go back into the cabin and see her drenched, but still bleeding. Good. Slow death. But not too slow, because I need to get back to my woman.

“You’ve caused us a lot of unnecessary pain,” I tell her, as I pull a chair and sit down. “Not only did you try and trap me by getting knocked up, which brings to question how did you get knocked up? I know you’re tested regularly and given birth control.”

“I skipped a few pills,” she speaks, man her voice is as ugly as her face.

For that, though, I punch her and a tooth goes flying out of her mouth. I grin at the sight as she cries, cupping her mouth.

“Then you planned to get rid of my children. Did you really think I’d want you if you did that?”

“I was going to frame Jennifer!” she cries out as I wrap my hand around her neck, lifting her off the floor. That answer gets her a punch to the stomach, as more stitches pop. I set her on the bed, and take a good look at her stomach, it’s ripped open and she’s trying desperately to hold it together. But of course, that isn’t going to work.

“What about shooting Jennifer?”

“It was supposed to be your son.” She wails as I kick her in the face. She gets no mercy from me, only death.

I start to whistle as I set up the rope above the rafters. Hangman hasn’t played in a while, and once I’m done with this bitch, I’ll let him have a go at her, though she may be dead before long. The bleeding from her stomach is getting worse.

I snatch her back off the bed and tie the rope around her neck. “You’re gonna die slowly, by hanging, unless Hangman gets twitchy with his knife first. But either way, tonight, you die.” I’m done with this bitch; I need to get back to my woman. My woman who almost died because of this fucked-up bitch.

“Hangman, you’re up, finish her off. Make it last though. Hate to see her die so quickly,” I tell him as I step out of the cabin.

“You sure you don’t want to finish her?” he asks, confused.

“I need to get back to my woman, make sure she’s okay.” He nods in understanding and steps into the cabin with a grin.
