Page 10 of Dirty Chaos

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“Yes,” he replies right away, no hesitation.

“Well, sign me up.” I smile and rub my hands together. Dirty is gonna get a case of blue balls.

Hangman chuckles as if he knows what I’m thinking. “I’ve already made it a rule that the girls can say no to any member if they choose to. So, if you put men on the list of ‘do not touch,’ it will be followed.”

I nod. “I’ll start tomorrow, eight am sharp.”

“Good. And Anara?”


“Don’t give up on Dirty yet. He’s fucked up...hugely, I get that, but don’t count him out just yet.”

I nod, but say nothing. He leaves and I finish getting ready for my date with Hunter.

Chapter Eight


Sitting around the clubhouse, I’m bored as fuck. None of the whores are here tonight, so I can’t even get my rocks off. All I’m thinking about is how in about ten minutes, Anara is meeting with Hunter. Why would she want to meet him but not me?

Did I really fuck up this bad? Yeah, I did, don’t even know why I’m questioning it. But fuck, Hunter was worse than me, yet she’s giving him the time of day.

My phone chimes with a text and I frown when I see it’s from Melissa. I open her text and it’s a video. Clicking play, Anara’s voice comes on.

“Am I really that shit in bed that he has to seek it elsewhere?” she asks, crying.

“Girl, it’s not you, it’s all Dirty, don’t let him get to you like this,” Justine says.

Anara is still crying when she continues talking. “I gave him everything, my heart, my body. All of it, and he destroyed me. How could he have done this? What did I do that was so wrong? Does he just not love me?” Fuck, fuck, fuck! I really fucked-up. Seeing her like this, tears at me.

What have I done? I need to get some fucking help so I can be a better man for Anara. I have to be better for her. I can’t let her go. Even if that means sharing her with Hunter, because I have a feeling he won’t let her go, either.

I rub my hand down my face when another text comes through, again from Melissa. ‘Don’t fuck this up, Dirty, I know you’re a good man, be the man I know you can be, for her.’ She’s right. Fuck, she’s right.

Hangman comes in, and comes straight to me. “You’re not gonna like this, but I gave Anara a job,” he states as I frown.

“What kind of job?”

“She’s going to be in charge of the whores.” That shit shocks me. Why would she agree to that? “I was outvoted in church, so now she’s in charge and new things are gonna happen. First, she’s going to give a list to the girls of men off limits, your name—I assume—will be at the top.” Doesn’t surprise me in the least; fuck, that means no more pussy for me.

“Anything else?”

“Promised her that she could rat on the cheaters in the club if she chooses to.” He shrugs and I just stare at him dumbfounded.

“Pres, that’s gonna piss a lot of people off.”

“Don’t give a fuck, things need to change around here. Sick and tired of whores getting knocked up and men cheating left and right.” He gives me a smirk. “Good luck getting laid.”

Asshole. This is gonna be a problem for me, but one I can overcome, I hope. Fuck. I’ve never gone a day without pussy, and now I’m going to be off limits? Fuck that. I head over to the apartments and find the redhead named Marisa. She opens the door, shocked at seeing me.

“Can I come in?”

She nods and lets me in, her apartment is small but cozy. “Um, what can I do for you?”

“You can get naked and come service me.” Anara, apparently, starts tomorrow, so I have one last night of fun before I’m declared off limits.

She grins and crawls on the floor to me, fuck that’s hot. I think about inviting Chasity to this, then think better of it. Bitchis getting too comfortable with me and I’m thinking I got a clinger. Especially since she got that tattoo.
