Page 12 of Dirty Chaos

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“No, that shit is hired out. None of the club partake, we’re just the men that distribute it.” I plop a fry into my mouth and chew. “What about you?”

“I used to work at the grocery store downtown, but left when I got together with Dirty officially. Now I’m the official boss of the club girls, starting tomorrow.”

I look at her in shock, “Seriously? How’d that come about?”

Her grin is almost evil. “Hangman offered it to me and I took it. Changes are gonna happen and everyone will either get in line or fuck off.”

“Let me guess, you’re making Dirty off limits.”

“Fucking right I am, he’s gonna have a serious case of blue balls when I’m finished with him.”

Once we finish eating, I lean forward. “Do you plan on taking him back?” I ask, needing to know the answer. Do I even have a chance with her?

“I don’t know. I don’t know anything right now. My heart says yes, but my head says no. I’m so confused. Hell, I still have feelings for you, too, and I thought those were long gone. I don’t know what is happening right now.”

That gives me hope, hope for the future. “Why not date us both?”

She looks at me in shock, eyes wide. “Justine just said the same thing, were you talking to her?”

“Not about this shit, but she’s my sister, great minds and all that.” I smirk.

“I don’t know, I think I could try but I need rules.”

I nod, “I’m willing to do anything at another chance with you, Anara. You’ll see that I’m different, changed.”

“I can already tell that. You seem like the guy I met when I was just a kid.”

“Good,” I say quietly.

“I just don’t know about Dirty. I want him to prove to me that it’s me he wants. I want to know why he cheated. Hell, I want to know why you did.”

I hang my head in shame. “You’ll never know how sorry I am for that. I truly don’t have an answer except that I was a dumb fuck. But I vow to you, Anara, it won’t ever happen again.”

“I’m willing to try then, but I want this to be casual. I don’t want to get hurt again.”

“I’ll never hurt you again, I vow it,” I reply fiercely.

“I believe you,” she says quietly. “How do we do this then? I want to talk to Dirty, too, but not yet, it’s too soon. Hell, even agreeing to date you is too soon. We don’t even know each other anymore.”

I shrug. “Yeah, but we have time. Dating is about getting to know one another, right? We’ll go slow, at your pace.”

“What about the club girls?”

“Moot point, I got rid of them. The club all agreed, and the two that didn’t left.”

She looks at me in shock. “Why would you do that, don’t all biker clubs have groupies?”

I laugh at that. “I don’t give much of a fuck about other clubs, but all the men in mine are taken men who are loyal to their Old Ladies.”

Her brows raise, “Wow, things really have changed.”

“Damn right. I knew if I wanted a shot with you, I needed to do everything I could for you to trust me, I know it will take morethan just getting rid of some whores, but I’m willing to put in the work.”

She grabs my hand across the table and gives me a squeeze. Fuck, feeling her again is powerful as fuck, the pull of her is strong. I’ve missed us, the us before I turned and fucked it all up.

“I should get going, but this was nice. I’ll be in touch.” She stands up and comes to my side of the table. Bends over, and kisses my cheek and leaves. I’m in too much shock right now to move. Fuck me, she still does it for me.

I watch out the window as she gets into her car and leaves. I finally get up and leave, too, getting to the temporary clubhouse we rented in town and see my men hanging around with their Old Ladies. If my men can be loyal to the women they love, so can I.
