Page 13 of Dirty Chaos

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I’m different now, and forever. For Anara, she’ll be my everything, even if that means sharing her. I’ll do anything in my power to make her happy. And if that’s Dirty, so be it. So far, tonight was progress. It’s a win in my book.

Anara admitted to still having feelings for me, even after all these years. But she loves Dirty, too. It will take some getting used to but I’m all in. All in for her.

Chapter Ten


Last night went, well, great. I was surprised. We didn’t talk a whole lot but it was just perfect. But now here I am, wondering if I’m making the right choice. Am I jumping into this too fast? I agreed to date Hunter, but my heart is saying I want Dirty. I want them both. Fuck, why is this so hard?

I decide to get out of my head, I have a lot of work today. Jennifer is handing over the reins of the girls to me today and it’s about to be a showdown. Getting rid of Chasity will be the first thing I do, then my list of men the bitches don’t get to touch.

I’ll have to think more on that, though, because the only name I know is Dirty. He’ll be untouchable, and if I find out any of them have gone behind my back and had him, they’ll be gone, too. I’m just going to make it a rule that taken men are off limits.

I park in the manager spot and see Jennifer on the back of Rage’s bike. She hops off when she sees me and smiles. “Here’s the keys, office is now yours. I cleaned it out last night.”

“Thanks. Anything I should know before going in?”

“Nope, told the girls to make sure they were ready by eight, because new management was having a meeting. Good luck, some of those girls...” She shakes her head and gives me an ‘eww’ face. I laugh at that.

She walks back to Rage who salutes me, and hops on his bike and they take off. I look up to the apartment building and square my shoulders, heading inside.

The building is a little different than I’m used to, the apartment layout is an odd one, the main floor reminds me a little of the clubhouse, with a lounge and bar located in it, and the Manager’s office. The second floor is where the apartments start. Six floors total.

I head straight to the office and see that Jennifer left me flowers and I smile. I’ll have to thank her later. I head out to the common room and wait, the girls should be arriving soon, it’s still early but I may as well get coffee started.

At seven forty-five my heart stops, because coming off the elevator is Dirty, looking sexed up as fuck. I wince when I see him and he freezes.

“Anara,” he breathes.

“What do you want, Dirty? I don’t have time for your shit.” I know exactly what he was doing last night, maybe not who, but he was up there with someone.

“I just want to talk.”

I shake my head. “After you just probably fucked some girl all night, you’re coming to me telling me you want to talk? The answer is no. I need more time.”

“Fuck, Anara, give me a chance.”

“To what, break my heart some more? No thanks. Been there, done that. You need help, Dirty, and I can’t help you.” I turn my back to him and I feel him still there, finally after what feels like forever, he leaves.

Once he’s gone the girls start coming into the common room and I smile at them. I get a few smiles back and some frowns. Chasity finally joins us at exactly eight, bruising under her eyes, and I smile. Bitch.

“Morning, ladies, as some may know, I’m Anara, and I’m your new boss,” I state.

“Oh, fuck no, I ain’t taking orders from you!” Chasity shouts.

I smile at that. “Good, because I’m letting you go. Pack your shit and get gone. I see you again, you’re dead!” I snarl at her. She pales and runs off.

“Anyone else have a problem with me, can also leave.”

Another woman joins us and I think she’s fairly new. When she sees me, she looks to my chest and gasps. “Are you an Old Lady?”

“Yeah, idiot, that’s Dirty’s property,” one woman speaks up to say.

The girl pales, and won’t meet my eyes. I just discovered who Dirty was with all night. Whatever. Can’t really fault her if she doesn’t know who I am.

“To start with, Hangman gave me this job, and told me to do whatever I want, so first, new rule. No fucking the taken men.” I look at the redhead who won’t meet my eyes and she tears up. I shrug it off, though, no need to punish her more.

“Second, you have free rein to say no to anyone without blowback.”
