Page 15 of Dirty Chaos

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She shrugs. “What, Dirty? You’re getting what you want, are you not? Pussy galore.”

I put my fingers in my hair and tug. “You’re done with me, aren’t you?”

“Only time will tell, for now, have fun. Do what you want, because it’s not going to be with me. You see, if you actually wanted me, you wouldn’t be tempted by anyone else. You’d want only me. But you don’t, you don’t actually love me, Dirty. You might love the idea of me but you don’t actually love me.”

“I do love you, damnit.”

She shakes her head and smiles sadly. “You don’t, I don’t think you even know what love means. Go, find yourself, do what makes you happy. Sow your oats. Whatever. In the meantime, I’m going to be living my best life, and that’s without you.” She shuts the door in my face and I stagger backwards.

Fuck me, I’ve lost her.

With her being in charge of the girls, she’ll be around the clubhouse a lot. She wants to play this game, fuck it, I’ll play.

I go back to my bike when I spot Chaos coming down the road. The hell is he doing here. He parks in front of the house and gets off his bike, and walks past me giving me a chin nod and goes to the door.

She chose him. She’s back with Chaos, the man that destroyed her before me. What the hell? This can’t be happening. The door opens and she greets Chaos with a huge smile and invites him in.

Fuck this, and fuck her.

I hop on my bike and roar off to the clubhouse. I’ll play her little game, but eventually, she’ll come back to me. I know she will. Because our story isn’t over.

Chapter Twelve


To say I’m surprised at how Anara greets me would be a lie. I know she did that for show in front of Dirty, because now that I’m in her house, she’s a foot away from me.

“Want to explain what’s happening?” I ask her.

“Not really but I will. I sort of told all the girls that they have free rein when it comes to Dirty.”

I frown, “But why, thought you’d make him off limits?”

“I thought so, too, but instead, I took a different approach. I want him to want only me, not only want me because he can’t get anything else.”

I nod in understanding. That makes sense. “I see, and what happens if this plan of yours backfires?”

“Then it means that Dirty and I are really over,” she says with tears in her eyes.

I go to her and wrap her up in my arms. Fuck me, it feels good having her back in this position. It’s been so long without her. Dirty’s an idiot if he doesn’t fuck off and get with the program. But until then, if it happens, Anara is all mine. And I can focus on winning back her love.

“I just came over to see how everything was, I don’t exactly have your number,” I say once I pull away from her.

She looks at me surprised. “Oh, well, here I’ll give it to you.” She rattles off her number and I put it in my phone.

“I can’t stay, I have club business to see to, but are you okay? Really?”

“Yeah, I’ll be fine. It’s just a lot right now, you know,” she tells me as she wraps her arms around herself.

“Okay, call me I just texted your phone so you have my number. You need me for anything, just get ahold of me.”

“Okay.” She nods and goes to open her front door. I take this moment to push her against it before she can open it, spin her around, and kiss her. She hesitates before kissing me back, but she finally does. And fuck me, if this doesn’t feel amazing.

I pull back and give her a grin. “I should go before this moves faster than you’re ready for.”

“Yeah.” She touches her lips and opens the door. I head out and turn around again, looking at her, I give her another smile.

“Talk soon.”
