Page 18 of Dirty Chaos

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“What do you want?” I ask her.

“You need to let me in, we gotta talk.”

“We got nothing to talk about, so just say what you gotta say.”

She huffs and folds her arms across her chest. “Fine, whatever. I came to let you know I’m pregnant.”

I stumble at those words. What the hell? No fucking way. I always wrapped it up with her. It can’t be, but she shows me a sonogram and I end up throwing up on the asphalt.

“This can’t be real.”

“Oh, it’s real all right. Congratulations, daddy. I expect you to be around.”

“I want a DNA test.”

Her face pales and I know she’s hiding something. Fuck, she’s been with enough brothers it could be anyone’s. “I know my dates, this child is yours.”

“Could also be Slasher’s or Gunner’s.” Gunner’s dead now, but still could be his.

“Fine, we’ll do the test but I have to be further along for it.”

“Whatever, bitch, you just wanted to trap me; ain’t gonna work. I got an Old Lady.”

“Yeah, like that bitch will take you back. There’s a reason you cheated on her, Dirty,” she points out. It’s true, there is. But what, I don’t know. I think it’s more me than anything. I’m fucked up.

“Get out of here. We’ll talk once you can set up the appointment for the test.”

I walk away and she screams at me she’d abort the baby if I didn’t take care of her, and honestly, I don’t give a fuck. If that kid is mine, I’m fucked beyond reason. Anara would never take me back. Ever. No matter what I do.

“What did she want?” Wiz asks once I come back in.

“She’s pregnant.” I grunt.

“Fuck me, yours?”

“Hope not, could be anyone’s.”

“Well, let’s hope, because you’d seriously lose all chances with Anara otherwise.”

He’s not wrong.

I go to my room, shut the door, and pull out my phone. I decide to find a therapist, find out what the fuck is wrong with me. Maybe talking to someone will help. Someone male, not female. It might seem pussy of me, but honestly, I need to do something. Why can’t I commit to one woman? Like honestly, the fuck is wrong with me?

I had the best thing that ever happened to me in my grasp and I lost it because I couldn’t keep my dick in my pants.

A knock comes to my door after I make an appointment with a therapist. “Come in.”

Hangman’s head pokes in and he sags in relief when he sees I’m alone. “You gotta do something about Anara before you lose her for good. Word is she’s seeing Chaos.”

“I know, fuck I know. I’ve made an appointment with a therapist.”

“Good. Maybe they can help you out.” His words shock me, I was expecting some hassling or something, but not ‘good.’

“Yeah, gotta be a reason why I can’t remain loyal.”

“None of us can, but we try. Hell, my fuck-up was just as bad as yours. I committed to Justine and still fucked it up. We’re used to this way of life. If you need a break from the club, take it. Slammer did, and look at him, pussy whipped. If I could break away, I would. Instead, every day is a struggle with all the hot snatch around.”

“You wouldn’t mind?”
